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Grade 11 University Preparation Biology, SBI3U

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 11 University Preparation Biology, SBI3U"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 11 University Preparation Biology, SBI3U
Teacher: Mrs. J. Muir Room: 126 Period: A

2 Big Ideas in Grade 11 Biology
Plants: Anatomy, Growth and Function Genetic Processes Diversity of Living Things Evolution Animals: Structure and Function The full Course Outline can be found online at and on the Engrade site.

3 Expectations Be prepared AND on time.
Bring your textbook, paper, and a writing utensil. Thoughtful Open-minded Respect your peers and their desire to learn If you are unsure – ASK! Help available any time before school, at lunch, or after school.

4 Homework Assigned daily and will be checked often.
A part of the learning skills on your report card and a good indication of how well you are keeping up with the course. Quizzes will be given periodically. It will be your choice whether to use a quiz score towards your mark. Biology requires memory work. It is in your best interest to keep on top of homework and to REVIEW regularly.

5 Assessment Term work (70%) Summatives (15%) Final Exam (15%)
Assignments and Labs STSE Presentation(s) 5 Unit Tests (~35%) Summatives (15%) 5 X 3% each Final Exam (15%)

6 In case of absence... Let me know beforehand whenever possible.
Visit the Engrade to get homework and notes

Announcements – reminders about upcoming tasks Course Calendar – shows daily topics, notes, copies of most handouts, and due dates. Homework is also listed. Your progress in the course, including an estimate of your current average. Send assignments electronically, ask questions, notify me of absences Links - useful sites and videos for review of course concepts

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