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Avoiding Double Negatives

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1 Avoiding Double Negatives
Lesson 5

2 Lesson 5 – Double Negatives
Some negative words are used as adverbs. A negative is a word that means ”no.” Examples: never, none, no, hardly, no one, and nowhere.

3 Lesson 5 – Double Negatives
Use only one negative word to give a negative meaning. If two negative words are used together it makes a double negative and is incorrect. Example: I won’t never give up.

4 Lesson 5 – Double Negatives
To correct a double negative, you can substitute a matching positive word, or drop one of the negatives. Example: I won’t never give up. I won’t ever give up. I will never give up.

5 Lesson 4 –Adverbs or Adjectives?
Directions: Write the word in parentheses that correctly completes each sentence. Yoko hadn’t (never, ever) heard the story of Blackwell’s life. Elizabeth Blackwell never wanted to be (anything, nothing) other than a doctor. In 1845 medical schools did not admit (no, any) women. Blackwell never (did, didn’t) accept rejection.

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