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Healthy people living, working, and playing in Baltimore County

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1 Healthy people living, working, and playing in Baltimore County
Mobilizing Non-Traditional Immunization Partners in a Pandemic Response Gregory Wm. Branch, M.D., MBA, CPE Baltimore County Health Officer and Director April 20, 2010 Baltimore County Department of Health

2 Overview Preparing for a Pandemic Response
Benefits of Non-Traditional Partnerships Contributions of Traditional and Non- Traditional Partners BCDH H1N1 Stats Mobilizing Non-Traditional Partners – IDEAL Successes and Challenges Lessons Learned Baltimore County Department of Health

3 Baltimore County, Maryland
Population – 785,000 * 3.1% of population is Hispanic Source: US Census Bureau State and County QuickFacts Baltimore County Department of Health

4 Baltimore County Department of Health
Six Bureaus Administrative Services Behavioral Health Clinical Services Healthcare Access Community Health Services Prevention, Protection, and Preparedness Baltimore County Department of Health

5 Preparing for a Pandemic
PHER Grants H1N1 Community Health Planning Summit Meeting with County Executive and Agency Heads Baltimore County Department of Health

6 “All Hands on Deck” Baltimore County Pandemic Response Theme
Baltimore County Department of Health

7 Benefits of Non-Traditional Immunization Partnerships
Maximize use of resources Added expertise, manpower, and material resources Introduce and reinforce non-traditional partners’ role in public health emergency responses Baltimore County Department of Health

8 Benefits of Non-Traditional Immunization Partnerships
Convey united front to public Provide insight in areas outside of public health Baltimore County Department of Health

9 Traditional Immunization Partners
Private Providers – collaborate to educate and vaccinate community Community Vaccinators – collaborate to educate and vaccinate community Schools – educate families; facilitate school-based clinics Baltimore County Department of Health

10 Supported Community Mitigation measures
Mobilizing Non-Traditional Partners Baltimore County Residents Adhered to Priority Group guidelines Supported Community Mitigation measures Sought information through website and Community Connection Network Baltimore County Department of Health

11 Facilitated vaccination of vulnerable population
Mobilizing Non-Traditional Partners Dept. of Community Conservation Facilitated vaccination of vulnerable population Identified homeless children and close contacts to target for vaccination Baltimore County Department of Health

12 Vaccinated their staff and volunteers with
Mobilizing Non-Traditional Partners Fire Department Vaccinated their staff and volunteers with vaccine provided by Department of Health EMS provided staffing to support Department of Health mass vaccination clinics Stored vaccine Baltimore County Department of Health

13 Allowed use of branches as vaccination sites
Mobilizing Non-Traditional Partners Libraries Allowed use of branches as vaccination sites Promoted community mitigation measures Hosted Emergency Preparedness presentations Hosted mobile unit clinics Baltimore County Department of Health

14 Allowed use of facilities Provided staff to support clinics
Mobilizing Non-Traditional Partners Recreation and Parks Allowed use of facilities Provided staff to support clinics Set up equipment (ie. tents, heaters, etc.) for clinics Hosted mobile unit clinics Baltimore County Department of Health

15 Facilitated H1N1 Information Hotline & Call Center
Mobilizing Non-Traditional Partners Information Technology Facilitated H1N1 Information Hotline & Call Center Updated website with clinic schedule and general info Created online appointment pre-registration Baltimore County Department of Health

16 Other Non-Traditional Partners
Budget and Finance – expedited purchase of technology upgrades and critical services Workforce Development – Allowed use of mobile unit for mobile clinics Public Works – provided electronic message boards and manual labor for clinics Police – managed clinic crowds, traffic, and parking Baltimore County Department of Health

17 Other Non-Traditional Partners
Human Resources – expedited hiring process Aging – helped recruit volunteers through Volunteer Program; provided staff and locations for clinics; facilitated clinics at the senior centers Baltimore County Department of Health

18 BCDH H1N1 Vaccination Statistics
Administered 51,454 H1N1 vaccinations Held >70 H1N1 vaccination clinics Enlisted 20+ community partnerships Baltimore County Department of Health

19 I – Identify potential partners
Mobilizing Non-Traditional Partners is I.D.E.A.L I – Identify potential partners D – Determine (with partners) terms of partnership E – Educate and update partners on role and “master plan” A – Activate & ongoing Assessment of plan L – (Compile) Lessons Learned Baltimore County Department of Health

20 Identify Potential Partners
Think big Work backwards – think about what is needed then who can help Solicit input from staff and traditional partners Baltimore County Department of Health

21 Determine Terms of Partnership
Present overall plan and solicit feedback Discuss and Agree on: Who will be involved from each agency/partner? What does the partnership entail? When will partner be needed? Where will their contribution be needed? How (long) will the partnership last? Baltimore County Department of Health

22 Educate and Update Provide partners with appropriate level of
information about issue Provide relevant updates Agree on method(s) for sharing information, including medium and contact person Baltimore County Department of Health

23 Activate & Assess Plan Implement plan Assess implementation of plan
Assess and monitor partnerships Baltimore County Department of Health

24 (Compile) Lessons Learned
Record and solicit Lessons Learned throughout response Compile Lessons Learned and share with partners Utilize Lessons Learned for future programs and responses Encourage partners to implement Lessons Learned Baltimore County Department of Health

25 Successes & Challenges Successes
Countywide buy-in to “All Hands on Deck” #1 in Maryland for number of H1N1 vaccinations given Commendations from public and partners Repeated education about partners’ role in public health emergencies Baltimore County Department of Health

26 Successes & Challenges Challenges
Keeping partners informed of new / late-breaking developments Integrating priorities of partner agencies Learning and adhering to chain of command of partner agencies Baltimore County Department of Health

27 Lessons Learned Support from County leaders is critical to spirit of partnership Engage partners early Identify one (or two) contacts to streamline information-sharing Stay in touch Be flexible Be prepared to make decisions quickly Recognize partners Reciprocate Baltimore County Department of Health

28 Contact Gregory Wm. Branch, MD, MBA, CPE Health Officer and Director
Healthy people living, working, and playing in Baltimore County Contact Gregory Wm. Branch, MD, MBA, CPE Health Officer and Director Baltimore County Department of Health Baltimore County Department of Health

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