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Warm-up #8 What was the XYZ Affair and how did Adams respond to it?

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1 Warm-up #8 What was the XYZ Affair and how did Adams respond to it?
How did the Alien and Sedition Acts limit rights?

2 Election of 1800

3 Election of 1800 Each delegate gets two votes…
Election of 1800 Each delegate gets two votes…. runner up is vice president. WHAT?!

4 Election of 1800 (a dirty election)


6 -The winner was decided by the House of Representatives
Election of 1800 -Emotional and hard-fought election, with attacks by both sides -Federalists said if Jefferson was elected, his support for the French Revolution would bring bloodshed and chaos to the US -Democratic-Republicans said that under Adams, the federal government was going to become even more powerful -Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr, both Democratic-Republicans, ended up in a tie -The winner was decided by the House of Representatives -Most Federalists wanted Burr, but Alexander Hamilton used his influence to help Jefferson win -Because power transferred peacefully from the Federalists to the Democratic-Republicans, the Election of 1800 was also known as the Revolution of 1800

7 Midnight appointments
-Knowing that he was about to leave office, Adams wanted to maintain Federalist influence in the government -Just before he left office, he began appointing Federalist judges to fill up the courts -In order for these newly appointed judges to take their new positions, the commission (job offer) had to be delivered to them -Not all of the commissions were delivered -William Marbury was one of these men who did not receive the commission, and wanted to be a judge -He sued for his commission to be delivered

8 Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court case in which John Marshall created judicial review by declaring a law unconstitutional

9 Homework Finish Marbury v. Madison Worksheet Finish Title Page
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