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Relational Database Design

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1 Relational Database Design
Informal design guideline First Normal Form Functional Dependencies Key Normal form Second normal form Third Normal Form Boyce-Codd Normal Form

2 Informal design guideline
Design a relation schema so that It is easy to explain its meaning avoid redundant data No update anomalies Avoid null values Relations can be joined without spurious tuples.

3 Design guideline : Clear meaning
Design a relation schema so that it is easy to explain its meaning. Do not combine attributes from multiple entity types and relationship types into a single relation. Figure 14.4

4 Design guideline: Avoid redundant information
One of goal of schema design is to minimize the storage space that the base relations occupy. Figure 14.4

5 Design guideline: no update anomalies
Insertion anomalies Delete anomalies Modification anomalies

6 Design guideline: avoid null values
Null value can: Waste space Will give a wrong results of aggregation operations Null value can have multiple interpretations. As far as possible, avoid placing attributes in a base relation whose values may frequently be null.

7 Generation of spurious tuples
Figure 14.5 Figure 14.6

8 First Normal Form Domain is atomic if its elements are considered to be indivisible units Examples of non-atomic domains: Set of names, composite attributes A relational schema R is in first normal form if the domains of all attributes of R are atomic We assume all relations are in first normal form. Figure 14.8

9 Functional Dependencies
Constraints on the set of legal relations. Require that the value for a certain set of attributes determines uniquely the value for another set of attributes. A functional dependency is a generalization of the notion of a key.

10 FD definition Let R be a relation schema X  R and Y  R
The functional dependency X  Y holds on R if and only if for any legal relations r(R), whenever any two tuples t1 and t2 of r agree on the attributes , they also agree on the attributes . That is, t1[] = t2 []  t1[ ] = t2 [ ] Example: Consider r(A,B) with the following instance of r. On this instance, A  B does NOT hold, but B  A does hold. 4 3 7

11 Use of Functional Dependencies (I)
We use functional dependencies to: test relations to see if they are legal under a given set of functional dependencies. If a relation r is legal under a set F of functional dependencies, we say that r satisfies F.

12 Use of Functional Dependencies (I)
Functional dependencies allow us to express constraints that cannot be expressed using superkeys. Consider the schema: Loan-info-schema = (customer-name, loan-number, branch-name, amount). We expect this set of functional dependencies to hold: loan-number  amount loan-number  branch-name but would not expect the following to hold: loan-number  customer-name

13 Use of Functional Dependencies (II)
Note: A specific instance of a relation schema may satisfy a functional dependency even if the functional dependency does not hold on all legal instances. For example, a specific instance of Loan-schema may, by chance, satisfy loan-number  customer-name.

14 Inference rules for Functional Dependencies
if X  Y, then Y  X (reflexivity) if X  Y, then ZX  ZY (augmentation) if X  Y, and Y  Z, then X  Z (transitivity) if X  YZ , then X  Y (decomposition) if X  Y, and X  Y, then X  YZ (union)

15 Inference rules for Functional Dependencies
A functional dependency is trivial if it is satisfied by all instances of a relation E.g. customer-name, loan-number  customer-name customer-name  customer-name In general,    is trivial if   

16 Closure of Attribute Sets
Given a set of attributes a, define the closure of a under F (denoted by a+) as the set of attributes that are functionally determined by a under F: Algorithm to compute a+, the closure of a under F result := a; while (changes to result) do for each    in F do begin if   result then result := result   end

17 Example of Attribute Set Closure
R = (A, B, C, G, H, I) F = {A  B A  C CG  H CG  I B  H} (AG)+ 1. result = AG 2. result = ABCG (A  C and A  B) 3. result = ABCGH (CG  H and CG  AGBC) 4. result = ABCGHI (CG  I and CG  AGBCH)

18 Key K is a superkey for relation schema R if and only if K  R
K is a candidate key for R if and only if K  R, and for no   K,   R

19 Key: find a key R = (A, B, C, G, H, I)
F = {A  B A  C CG  H CG  I B  H} Is AG a candidate key? Is AG a super key? Does AG  R? == Is (AG)+  R Is any subset of AG a superkey? Does A  R? == Is (A)+  R Does G  R? == Is (G)+  R

20 Normal form: second normal form
Problem of first normal form Figure 10.10

21 Second normal form A relation schema R is in second normal form if evey non prime attribute A in R is not partially dependent on any key of R. Formally: A relation schema R is in second normal form (2NF) if for all non trivial function dependent X  A in F+ If A is not contained in any candidate key for R, and X is not a candidate key, then not exist any cnadidate key that contains X.

22 Third Normal Form Problem of second normal form
A relation schema R is in third normal form (3NF) if for all: X  A in F+ at least one of the following holds: X  A is trivial (i.e., A  X) X is a superkey for R A is contained in a candidate key for R.

23 Third Normal form (cont)
Example R = (J, K, L) F = {JK  L, L  K} Two candidate keys: JK and JL R is in 3NF JK  L JK is a superkey L  K K is contained in a candidate key Banker-schema = (branch-name, customer-name, banker-name) banker-name  branch name branch name customer-name  banker-name

24 BC normal form Some redundancy in thrid normal form. Fig 10.12

25 BC normal form definition
A relation schema R is in BCNF with respect to a set F of functional dependencies if for all functional dependencies in F+ of the form X Y, where X  R and Y  R, at least one of the following holds: X  Y is trivial (i.e., Y  X) X is a superkey for R

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