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Summer O is a Recruitment as well as an Orientation/Registration Event

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1 Academic Advising for Summer O 2019 Barbara Cobb, Coordinator for Academic Advising

2 Summer O is a Recruitment as well as an Orientation/Registration Event
We need to ensure that every student at Summer O is a Racer in August. A good experience at Summer O, especially with Academic Advising and Scheduling, achieves this goal. Make sure that EVERY advisor has the information and training needed to deliver quality advising and scheduling help.

3 Summer O Dates and Itineraries:
see the Summer O website 7-8:30 am Browsing– Students will make first contact with Academic Program; 9:25-10:25 Summer O Counselor Session – Students will be briefed on Academic Advising by Summer O Counselors. Directly after Lunch: Honors Advising is 12:45-2:45 New Student Advising is 12:45-2:30; Transfer Student Advising is 2:15-3:15. (Some/most transfer students will be registered already.) Edited

4 BEFORE Summer O Advising:
Check Student Test Scores and Placement Info VZ provides Chairs/Advisors with Student Info. Need access to VZ? Contact Chair or Cheryl Hicks, Check RACRs Make Sample Schedules or Worksheets Include prerequisites and University Studies courses appropriate for program of study Pre-plan as much as possible, and plan for individualization (some students will have updated scores, transcripts, in-progress coursework, etc. – be ready to accommodate)

5 Placement and Testing Information
Testing link on Summer O site Know what is available and advantageous for your students Placement Charts myGate, Teaching/Advising tab -- check student test scores (VZ) and identify needed developmental coursework. Students who do not complete developmental courses on initial entry to the university have low success rates. Be the “gorgon at the gate” who helps them to succeed by completing developmental coursework asap. AP Equivalencies Make sure ALL prior coursework and testing are counted and that NO student is taking a course for which she or he has credit or one that does not meet a requirement or an expressed student need.

6 Advanced Placement Dual-Credit Courses AP Equivalencies listed here
If student does not have AP scores “in hand” or already on file, schedule must be established based on scores “in hand”/on file. Provide written instructions for drop/add when scores arrive (be sure to provide student with chair or advisor contact for questions; be sure students submit scores to MSU) AP Equivalencies listed here Dual-Credit Courses With supporting docs, use Override (Chairs, Coordinators, and designated reps have Override authority)

7 Modern Languages Online Testing
ALL students enrolling in language classes need Placement Testing unless they have NEVER taken a class in that language B.A. Degree: complete ONE language through 202 level (200-level language not offered at MSU MAY transfer as MLA 201/202 – contact the Transfer Center for more information) Link to Placement HERE (scroll down) and on Summer O site Fee for test (credit card payment); scores available immediately Test scores valid for 1 year

8 Each advising unit sets its own policies.
Some advisors forbid cell phone use. Others have students with smart devices register or use RACR on their devices (phones, laptops). Use RACR and Add/Drop Classes to help students find courses. (on RACR, click on course to show course description; in Add/Drop, click on CRN, then on “catalog description”) Family members will NOT be with advisees for Academic Advising.

9 Use program specificAcademic Plans for Area/Major or RACR (use What-If if major is not accurate) to help students choose classes, with CRN #s. Coordinate within your college/department to provide the appropriate # of Academic Advisors (more is better). All students should have a schedule (min. 12 hours) (full-time tuition model includes hours – add’l hours added cost) Students must check out at end of day. Schedules purged if students do not check out.

10 Prioritize Schedule 100T Transitions
All Required Developmental Classes University Studies – major specific Prerequisites for program (area, major, minor) University Studies – student interest Honors Sequence Course(s) for HON College students Use RACR to identify courses needed Credit for previous/in-progress work: be sure to account for all work to prevent course duplication edited

11 Prefix and Course Changes
“Special Sections” Be aware that some sections are restricted based on: ACT or other placement scores, program, classification, etc. If a student cannot register for a particular section, evaluate or ask if it is restricted (ex.: prefix A is abroad; prefix R is Racer Academy) For overrides, check with chair/program coordinator/dean. Prefix and Course Changes GSC is now EES. ENG 221 as prereq replaced by ENG 201; contact Sue Sroda

12 ASK advisees to self-identify as Honors College
Honors students take ONE Honors Sequence course per semester until sequence is complete. (may be dropped from Honors if requirement is not met) Honors Sequence REPLACES University Studies for students in the Honors College Does an HON course satisfy a prerequisite for your program? Accommodate when possible Course Exception form: substitution in your area/major/minor. ASK advisees to self-identify as Honors College

13 Transfer Credit RACR will include classes already evaluated.
Look closely at the Unrestricted Electives: Additional Hours section at the bottom of RACR for courses that might not have been evaluated. Use Course Exception form to substitute these for required courses or contact the Transfer Center if the course should be equivalent to an MSU course.

14 Transferring Classes resource HERE
If student has a transcript from another school, you may be able to determine equivalencies using this tool. If courses are not listed, contact the Transfer Center for evaluation. If Transfer Evaluation has not been completed, but transfer credit is pending, use Override. Evaluation may be needed before student can register. Provide a plan of action.

15 Be positive and supportive. If you don’t have answers,
Know your program. Be positive and supportive. If you don’t have answers, connect advisees to those who do. Be prepared. Prepare for as many challenges as you can anticipate. Be sure that every student has a schedule.

16 Advisor Checklist: Connection: connect student to program: make sure student has contact info for at least one person available in Summer. Registration: help student to create a schedule with CRN #s and RACR and to register for classes. Scheduling Grid. Adjustments: make sure that student has written instructions and contact information when test scores and placements are complete or something else changes.

17 Resources to supplement this training are posted
on the Academic Advising website. RACR Questions: Registrar Forms on myGate Teaching Advising Dr. Barbara Cobb Coordinator of Academic Advising

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