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Chapter 2 Segments and Angles.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 Segments and Angles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 Segments and Angles

2 Section 3 Complementary and Supplementary Angles

3 Two angles are ___________________________________ if the sum of their measures is 90°. Each angle is the __________________ of the other. Two angles are ___________________________________ if the sum of their measures is 180°. Each angle is the ________________ of the other.

4 Example 1: Identify Complements and Supplements Determine whether the angles are complementary, supplementary, or neither.

5 Checkpoint: Identify Complements and Supplements Determine whether the angles are complementary, supplementary, or neither.

6 Two angles are _____________________________ if they share a common vertex and side, but have no common interior points.

7 Example 2: Identify Adjacent Angles Tell whether the numbered angles are adjacent or nonadjacent.

8 Example 3: Measures of Complements and Supplements
<A is a complement of <C, and m<A = 47°. Find m<C. <P is a supplement of <R, and m<R = 36°. Find m<P.

9 Checkpoint: Measures of Complements and Supplements
<B is a complement of <D, and m<D = 79°. Find m<B. <G is a supplement of <H, and m<G = 115°. Find m<H.

10 A ____________________ is a true statement that follows from other true statements. The two theorems that follow are about complementary and supplementary angles.


12 Example 4: Use a Theorem <7 and <8 are supplementary, and <8 and <9 are supplementary. Name a pair of congruent angles. Explain your reasoning.

13 Checkpoint: Use a Theorem In the diagram, m<10 + m<11 = 90°, and m<11 + m<12 = 90°. Name a pair of congruent angles. Explain your reasoning.

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