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Team Infinity 2018 Ryan Dudley Beth Kinney Donna Heath Ryan.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Infinity 2018 Ryan Dudley Beth Kinney Donna Heath Ryan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Infinity 2018 Ryan Dudley Beth Kinney Donna Heath Ryan

2 Our Beliefs Accountability - Ownership Group Work Habits of Learning
Perseverance Personal Responsibility Positive Community Member Reassessment

3 Communication With Home
s Phone (main office) Ryan

4 What is Jumprope?... Online software for reporting progress
Live data accessible (parents/guardians/students) notification for progress report Missing work *Hard copies available for those without internet access Beth




8 Google Classroom Guardian Email Classroom Resources No Parent Portal
Overdue? Missing?

9 Working from Home

10 EWSD Personalized Learning Plans
Why PLPs? “To give students ownership over their learning and create a personalized pathway to their future.” PLP Features Common PLP Platform - Bulb PLPs will move with students from year to year Student Autobiography or About Me pages Themes across grade levels Goal Setting & Reflection Parental involvement/ feedback (to be sent via an survey) Digital portfolio showcasing student- created content, learning artifacts, and growth over time Themes: 6- Growth Mindset Identity Community Strengths, Hopes and Fears Also- we will be devoting time to support students in creating their PLPs approximately once a month throughout the school year.

11 We DO NOT tolerate ANY bullying/harassing behavior at ADL
Harassment Happens over a period of time OR a single severe incident in a protected category: can be shown to pose a clear and substantial undermining and detracting from or interfering with a student’s educational performance or access to school resources or… creating an objectively intimidating, hostile or offensive environment Includes off-campus cyberharassment Bullying Happens over a period of time and is repeated; can be shown to pose a clear and substantial interference with another student’s right to access educational programs (For any reason: weight, clothes, living situation, age, socioeconomic status) Includes off-campus cyberbullying Rude, disrespectful behavior -Ignoring -Making faces -Name calling (not a protected category) -Laughing at someone -Talking down to someone We DO NOT tolerate ANY bullying/harassing behavior at ADL Brian

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