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Report from Graduate Affairs Group 1/08

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1 Report from Graduate Affairs Group 1/08
We have spent most of three meetings discussing the PhD Qualifying process. Two different ‘bare bones’ proposals for modifications will soon be distributed to the faculty for feedback and expression of concerns or questions re details. Basic ideas are either to A) Replace the three day written PQE with separate Competency Exams covering the four core subjects, or B) Use a min GPA on 6 core courses, plus the MS Thesis or Report and Oral Defense to make the qualifying decision based on research performance. Admission to PhD Candidacy would occur after the PhD Proposal is defended before the students research committee. (No change proposed on that step.) How to proceed: Faculty feedback on the two proposals by end of Feb – Revisions as needed Focused Faculty Meeting on this topic before end of March Full details developed for Adoption by Faculty before end of April Implement changes, if adopted, for students entering in Fall 2008

2 Graduate Applicants for Fall 2008
Country B.S M.S B.S. other M.S. other Contact totals (56) Bangladesh Bolivia Cameroon Canada China Egypt Ethiopia Korea India Iran Macedonia Nepal Nigeria Russia Sri Lanka Turkey USA /28/08

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