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Welcome to 2019 Parent GCSE revision Event

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2 Welcome to 2019 Parent GCSE revision Event
Parent meet

3 Vale of York Academy – KS4 Parent event
Planning for effective revision Matt Halifax Vice Principal From here …….. to here ……..

4 Planning for effective revision
Vale of York Academy – KS4 Parent event Planning for effective revision Matt Halifax Vice-Principal In this session I hope to offer guidance on how you as a parent can best support your child. I aim to: Suggest ways in which you can prepare your child for the necessary revision work they will need to do. Offer advice on how to get organised to reduced distractions. Give key tips on planning and structuring actual “work/revision” time. This is the follow up to the revision/study skills Enrichment day last week. Sharing the message!

As a parent one of the most effective ways in which you can support your child is to help them to: GET ORGANISED & BE PREPARED

It is never the QUANTITY of revision a student completes that grows their self confidence but the QUALITY. When your child starts a study session their study should be their only focus!

7 Things you can do: A five point plan
Provide all the necessary resources Ensure they are ready to work Remove potential barriers to effective study Give them structure Be positive, supportive and encourage

8 Planning for effective revision
1-Provide the necessary resources: Box files – subject organisation Stationary Revision guides, necessary texts Research - Revision app’s Write a revision plan/schedule

9 Planning for effective revision
2- Ensure they are ready to work: Rested and ready? Motivation v performance Stress v pressure Intellectual & emotion demands Is there fuel in the tank? Physical well being All work and no play...... Mental & social well being

10 Planning for effective revision
3- Remove potential barriers to effective study Try to stop your child: Avoiding Procrastinating Using delay tactics Comparing to others Wasting time “fussing”



13 Planning for effective revision
4- Give them structure: Know what works, how do they learn best? Write a schedule…. ….then stick to it Get the balance right Variety of task increases impact Before you start to do any revision its crucial to apply the 3T’s concept: T- topic: WHAT specifically are you revising T – task: HOW will you do the revising T – time: Obvious but set realistic timeframes and stick to them!

14 You can play a key role here…..
4- Give them structure: Active v Passive revision You can play a key role here….. Exam practice is vital

15 Organisation & structure is where a parent can offer the best support:
4- Give them structure Weekly planner Organisation & structure is where a parent can offer the best support: Work at least week ahead & display in a prominent place Pupils will receive a weekly plan through their form tutor All pupils received an A3 wall planner There are plenty resources available on line

16 Top tips to build a weekly revision work plan/timetable:
Write on set commitments each week, school etc.. THEN.. add any other commitments. Personal interests, a reduced social calendar! What and when - Best to work backwards: What MUST be done – deadlines this week or next! What SHOULD be done – how can I maintain an even workload What COULD be done – can I get ahead? Start to populate the time slots think carefully about the times in the day when you concentrate best – put new or more difficult topics in these key slots. You will get more done at weekends - Plan to use them!

17 4- Give them structure Be a 21st century parent Code: sjo029b
Paper works but electronic may be better Set reminders on their phones maybe sync calendars (outlook) Code: sjo029b USE account Revision app Teachers can set & monitor work Testing & quizzing app Easy access – revision on the go!

18 4- Give them structure Become an expert!
Please refer to the subject revision guides from Parents evening KNOW EACH COURSE EXAM SPECIFICATION! Exam website This is a crucial exam technique often over looked by pupils

19 The Academy Website All revision/study skills resources, presentations and support materials can be found here

20 Revision guides from ParentPay
Use Parentpay to purchase Revision Guides for specific subjects. Pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium are eligible for subsidy.

21 Year 11 Easter revision sessions

22 Year 11 Half term revision sessions

23 5 -Be positive , supportive and encourage
Praise as often as you can. If you can achieve parts 1 to 4 this one is in the bag!


25 The rest of the session Subject specific support and guidance from
English – Mr Gill (G109) Maths – Ms Ward (G97) Science – Mrs Pickering (G94) Please refer to the colour on your info sheet to see where you start, a bell will sound to move you on. Members of SLT will be based in the main hall if you have any specific questions.

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