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MUS Multiple Water Use Systems

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1 MUS Multiple Water Use Systems

2 MUS: Multiple Use Systems
Aim: enhancing multiple water use systems to meet the broader range of water needs (health, food, income, work reduction) sustainably among poor women and men for poverty alleviation and gender equity in rural and peri-urban areas Challenge Program Water and Food, via IWMI

3 MUS: Multiple Use Systems
Five basins - eight countries Limpopo: South Africa and Zimbabwe (IRC, AWARD, IWSD) Nile: Ethiopia (University of Mekelle, CRS, IWMI) Andes: Bolivia and Colombia (IRC, CINARA, Centro-Agua) Indus Ganges: India and Nepal (IDE, IWMI) Mekong: Thailand (Khon Kaen University) Cross-basin working groups Long-term partnership - fund raising

4 MUS: Action - Research Full-fledged MUS/domestic+/productive+: a vision at three interconnected levels: community - intermediate - national Learning by doing and documenting: assessing, visioning, implementing, critical reflecting Learning by Learning Alliances Learning about WHAT?

5 National Flows of information, finances, etc Intermediate Flows of information, finances, etc Community

6 Community Level Ownership and understanding of MUS and its impact
Enabling environment at intermediate level is elaborated in the next slide Implementing a sustainable, equitable and effective MUS approach for improved livelihoods- principles to be addressed in the different phases of the project cycle at community level Thorough understanding of poor people’s water-based livelihoods Proper financial models Effective and inclusive community institutions Sustainable use of available water resources and services Appropriate technology

7 Participatory project cycles followed in implementation programmes
Coordination of planning, implementation and financing among intermediate level stakeholders Intermediate Level Participatory project cycles followed in implementation programmes Enabling environment at national level (to be elaborated in the next slide) Intermediate level institutions to support communities in operation and maintenance and other support to MUS Ownership and understanding of MUS and its impacts among all intermediate level stakeholders Enabling environment for implementing and scaling up a sustainable, equitable and effective MUS approach; principles at intermediate/service provider level Resources exist among intermediate level stakeholders to implement and upscale MUS Capacity to follow a learning approach to MUS among intermediate level organisations

8 Ownership and understanding of MUS and its impacts among national level stakeholders
Coordination of planning, implementation and financing of MUS among national level organisations that enables coordination among intermediate level stakeholders National policies, legislation, norms and standards allow for integrated participatory project cycles at local and enabling intermediate level Implementing and scaling up a sustainable, equitable and effective MUS approach; principles at national level for an enabling environment National water policies, legislation, and implementation programs allocate resources to enhance physical access of the poor to an equitable share of water for multiple uses Capacity to support a learning approach to MUS among intermediate level organisations National water policies and legislation, and their enforcement strategies, enhance legal access of the poor to an equitable share of water for multiple uses

9 Thank You

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