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Communicable Attributes

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1 Communicable Attributes
Part II

2 Peace 1 Corinthians 14:33-God is not a God of confusion
God is the God of peace- Romans 15:33 My peace I give to you Peace

3 Peace Galatians 5:22-23-Fruit of the Spirit
Romans 14:17-Kingdom of God is not…but of righteousness, peace and joy… Peace

4 Righteousness God always cats in what accordance with what is right
Isaiah 45:19-I the Lord speak the, I declare what is right. Righteousness

5 What is right? Whatever conforms to God’s moral character.
God is the final standard of right. Dialogue with Job Righteousness

6 2 Corinthians 11:2-I feel a divine jealousy for you
2 Corinthians 11:2-I feel a divine jealousy for you. The sense here is protective or watchful. Exodus 20:5-I am a jealous God. God continually seeks to protect his honor. Jealousy

7 Wrath God intensely hates all sin
Exodus 32:9-10-I have seen this people…now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may burn hot against them… Wrath

8 Not just OT John 3:36-whoever rejects the son… God’s wrath remains on him Romans 1:18-The wrath of God… Romans 2:5-You are storing up wrath… Must remember his patience with this Wrath

9 Will-Where God determines and approves every action necessary
Will-Where God determines and approves every action necessary. Ephesians 1:11-He accomplishes everything according to HIS will Attributes of Purpose

10 Will He continually brings about Christ’s death was God’s will
1 Peter 4:9-Let those who suffer according to God’s will… Will

11 Will Necessary will-Everything He must do according to His nature
Free will-All things He decided to do but didn’t have to-Creation Will

12 Will Secret Will-This includes His decrees that govern the universe.
Revealed Will-His commands and precepts Will

13 Will 1 Peter 3:9-God desires (wills) all men to be saved
1 Corinthians 4:9-If God wills… Genesis 50:20-You meant it for evil but God meant it for good Will

14 God does whatever he pleases. Nothing can hider God from doing His will
Psalm 115:3-Our God is in the heavens; he does whatever he pleases. Freedom

15 Omnipotence Also means power or sovereignty.
Ephesians 3:2-God is able to do far more abundantly than we can ask Omnipotence

16 Perfection God cannot err
Be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect-Matthew 5:48 Perfection

17 Beauty He is seen as the sum of all his desirable qualities.
Psalm 27:4-the beauty of the Lord This means God has everything desirable Beauty

18 Life The one true living God- Jeremiah 10:10
The only being whose life was not derived from Him Life

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