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River Fish Intercalibration group (2008-2009)
Coordination: D. Pont (Cemagref, France) N. Jepsen (JRC, Ispra) 26 Participants / Member States Austria Belgium-Wallonia Belgium-Flanders Czech Republic Denmark England-Wales Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Latvia Lithuania Luxemburg Netherland Northern Ireland Norway Portugal Romania Scotland Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden
Objectives Common reference criterias definition (European scale) All data centralized in one common database - Pre classification of pressure - Environnemental variables - Biological information (Abundance per species, individual fish length) Comparison between National Methods using common metrics (Option 2) Comparison between National Methods within Regional groups (Option 3) Harmonizing H/G and G/M class boundaries between MS.
Common approach (ICM, Option 2)
Ref. conditions between Countries / Reg. Groups - Common metrics computation High/Good & Good/Moderate boundaries comparisons Associated uncertainties Common database Environm. variables Pressure types - Fish data - Common metrics - National methods 3 Discussion Agreements INTERCALIBRATION Specificities (Environment, pressures) Fish as indicator ? Data collection National methods Option 3 1 General meetings 3 Nordic FI IR SC N-IR SE NO Alpine-type Mountains AT DE FR SL ES Lowland Midland NL DE DN BE-F BE-W LUX FR LT LV EST ENG-W Mediterranean South-Atlantic FR ES PT GR Danubian RO CZ SVK HU AT SV Regional meetings
Common Database
River Fish IC 2nd Round Central database Reference sites = Preliminary selection
Common metrics Functional Metric ~ Natural Environment + Residual
6th PCRD ( / ) Undisturbed sites Functional Metric ~ Natural Environment Residual Impacted sites Functional Metric ~ Natural Environment Pressure impact + Residual Salmonid zone - Density (relative) of Habitat Intolerant Individuals less than 150 mm - Density (relative) of Oxygen Intolerant species Cyprinid zone - Richness (relative) of Reproductive rheophilic habitat species - Density (relative) of Lithophilic species
Common metrics: observed versus predicted values (Independent validation dataset)
250 250 Habitat Intolerant (< 150mm) O2 Intolerant 200 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 50 100 150 200 250 50 100 150 200 250 Nb ind/100m2 Nb ind/100m2 Observed values 15 250 Rheophilic Reproduction species Lithophilic Species 200 10 150 100 5 50 5 10 15 50 100 150 200 250 Nb species Nb ind/100m2 Predicted values
Common metric responses to pressures
Water.quality. Channelization Hydropeaking Impoundment 1 2 3 4 20 40 60 80 100 % No Slight Moderate Strong 20 40 60 80 100 No Yes 20 40 60 80 100 No Weak Strong 20 40 60 80 100 Water.abstraction Barriers. downstream Sedimentation No Weak Medium High 20 40 60 80 100 No Weak Strong 20 40 60 80 100 % No Yes 20 40 60 80 100 Ecological classes Class 4-5 Class 3 Class 1-2 N=4807
Empirical distribution the aggregated metrics
Uncertainties associated with common metrics Expected values (Eta) Series of GLM (log, poisson or negative binomial) 1- For each metric: simulation = Norm(Eta,SE) Sim = invlink(simulation) IDsim = std dist(Obs, Sim Value) 2- Metric aggregation Standard Errors (SE) n repetitions Empirical distribution related to the aggregated metrics Final predictive interval Cyprinid zone
4th River-Fish Intercalibration Meeting Ispra, Italy April 21-22 2008
Meetings 4th River-Fish Intercalibration Meeting Ispra, Italy April 5th River-Fish Intercalibration Meeting Ispra, Italy April Regional Meetings Group Meeting Responsible Nordic group STOCKOLM, Sweden 06/03/ T. Vehanen Alpin-Type Mountains SCHARFLING 25/03/ N. Schotzko Lowland-Midland RIGA 10-11/03/ T. Buijse & C. Schütz Mediterranean South - Atlantic LISBON, Portugal /03/ T. Ferreira Danubian Group V. Kovac EFI+ End-users meeting (Common metrics) Hull, UK April EFI+ End-users meeting (Common metrics) Cluj, Romania April 6th River-Fish Intercalibration Meeting Dublin, Ireland May
Timetable January-April 2009: Data collection / Data checking. Common database May 2009: Preliminary analysis (common metrics and regional groups) May : 6th IC Meeting. First results and discussion. Harmonisation of statistical methods Table of contents of the final report June-August: Data analysis. Exchange between partners. Results. September 2009: Draft report (to ECOSTAT). October 2009: ECOSTAT Meeting. Recommendations. October 2009: 7th Fish IC meeting. Final discussion about H/G and G/M classes boundaries January 2010: Final report: methodology, results, boundaries between class 1/2/3 Limitations. Questions, & environmental situations remaining open. Future tasks : Large rivers,…
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