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Reflect Consider the following topics:

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1 Reflect Consider the following topics:
Words and Propaganda, Thievery, Humanity and Dehumanization, Cowardice and Bravery, Abandonment and Survivor's Guilt, and Colors Select the topic you believe is most intriguing, in terms of The Book Thief and explain why Reflect

2 Please Consider the Major Topics in Front of You
Next week, we will be participating in student-led discussions about the novel Although these discussions are student-led, each student leader must: pick a topic and subtopic of focus from the following list generate 3 thought-provoking questions about that topic/subtopic in order to generate group discussion  Have three quotes/passages on hand to reference as the conversation goes You may work with a partner if you choose Please Consider the Major Topics in Front of You

3 Rubric: /5 My three questions are original (not taken from the back of the book or the online) thought-provoking, logical, and relevant /5 My three pieces of evidence are relevant to my questions, and strengthen the conversation /5 I kept the discussion moving along, focusing on my subtopic and questions, was the obvious student leader of this discussion, and facilitated open conversation rather than conversation exclusive to my friends in the class /5 I came to class prepared, my slide is neat and well-organized (includes name of topic and subtopic, three questions, and three pieces of evidence) /5 While others present, I am quiet and attentive to their presentations and the conversations that follow. I participate and weigh in on at least three other peoples’ questions in an informed and respectful way. Total: /25 Assignment: Select one of the subtopics as your focus and develop three thought-provoking questions tied to three pieces of textual evidence about this subtopic. You will be facilitating an in-class discussion on your subtopic next week.

4 Topic: Words and Propaganda
Subtopics: Max’s relationship with words Liesel’s relationship with words Ilsa’s relationship with Liesel through words Topic: Words and Propaganda

5 Topic: Thievery Subtopics: Rudy’s Thievery Liesel’s Thievery
The Thieving groups (Arthur vs. Viktor) Topic: Thievery

6 Topic: Humanity and Dehumanization
Subtopics: Max’s Dehumanization Max’s Humanity (how he gets it back living with the Hubermanns) Han’s Dehumanization Death’s Humanity Topic: Humanity and Dehumanization

7 Topic: Cowardice and Bravery
Subtopics: Liesel’s bravery Hans’s bravery Rudy’s bravery Topic: Cowardice and Bravery

8 Topic: Abandonment and Survivor's Guilt
Subtopics: Liesel’s survivor’s guilt Max’s survivor guilt Ilsa’s survivor guilt Frau Hotlzapfel and Michael Holtzapfel’s survivor gulit Hans’s survivor guilt Topic: Abandonment and Survivor's Guilt

9 Topic: Colors Subtopics: Symbolic value of white skies
Symbolic value of red skies Symbolic value of black skies Topic: Colors

10 Film Mini-Project I do require you to film your monologue
I would like you download GoogleDrive in order to share it with me, once it is filmed Your written monologue is due by 11:59 on Thursday I expect you to be practicing your monologue in class tomorrow, or else continuing to work on developing your discussion question and evidence for next week Film Mini-Project

11 Use the rest of class to plan for your discussion portion next week
Finish the book by tomorrow for your final sticky- note check

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