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Please: take out a sheet of paper, pen or pencil

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Presentation on theme: "Please: take out a sheet of paper, pen or pencil"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please: take out a sheet of paper, pen or pencil grab a textbook & turn to p

2 Warm Up- “Read” the images that you see on p. 534-535
Quiet, on your own Two minutes

3 What do the images tell you?
On your paper, answer: The tanks in the street show… The changing maps tell me… The leaders were…

4 Finish the Warm Up Answer the 3 questions at the bottom of p. 535

5 Why did the Soviet Union “fall” in 1991?

6 Documents Article from TIME magazine Speech by Vaclev Havel
Letter from Slavenka Drakulic Political cartoon Two Photos

7 Closure Answer the question, Why did the Soviet Union “fall” in 1991?
2-paragraphs Include evidence from the documents You may use your textbook, if desired

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