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DO NOW Hand in the DNA vs RNA Paper Model Lab – everyone must hand in the questions, be sure both partners’ names are on the models! Take the Amoeba Sisters.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW Hand in the DNA vs RNA Paper Model Lab – everyone must hand in the questions, be sure both partners’ names are on the models! Take the Amoeba Sisters."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW Hand in the DNA vs RNA Paper Model Lab – everyone must hand in the questions, be sure both partners’ names are on the models! Take the Amoeba Sisters Protein Synthesis handout from the cart

2 Protein Synthesis

3 Protein Synthesis Transcription Translation

4 DNA RNA Protein 2 Step Process Transcription -  process where mRNA is made from DNA Translation - process where proteins are made from mRNA using tRNA

5 Transcription Happens in the nucleus DNA is used to make mRNA
Base pair rule Help of enzymes mRNA can leave the nucleus, DNA cannot mRNA strand carries DNA message to the ribosomes

6 Translation Occurs in the cytoplasm on ribosomes
Bonds amino acids together to make a protein tRNA translates code from mRNA into protein

7 How do you ensure the correct protein?
tRNA Each tRNA has one amino acid attached Reads mRNA in three base sequences (codons) by matching up its complimentary sequence (anti-codon) Each codon codes for a specific amino acid CGA - CAA - CCA - CCA - GCT - GGG - GAG - CCA - Ala Val Gly Gly Arg Pro Leu Gly Translation animation

8 Genes Every three nucleotides on DNA = Codon
ATT or GCA Codon translates to a particular amino acid A series of codons on a particular chromosome codes for a particular protein or enzyme – Genes Genes provide organisms with their own unique traits Because they code for our own unique proteins

9 Codon Chart

10 Amoeba Sisters: Protein Synthesis

11 Genes & Mutations Change the protein, you change a trait
Mutation = change in the genetic code that results in new sequence causing a change in traits or function Caused by chance, heredity, and environment Ultraviolet light, x-rays, microwaves, etc. Tobacco/alcohol Errors in DNA replication Errors in transcription Sickle cell anemia – A substitution by a T at the 17th nucleotide of the gene for the beta chain of hemoglobin

12 Genes & Mutations All alter the proteins produced by the DNA which affects the function of the organism Alters how the codons are read which changes the amino acid sequence Types Insertion/addition Deletion Substitution

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