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How to be YOUR best so you get THEIR best

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Presentation on theme: "How to be YOUR best so you get THEIR best"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to be YOUR best so you get THEIR best

2 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths” Proverbs 3:5

3 Picture of family in Zambia, early years.



6 Tips 1. Learn Something from Everything 2. Listen for Learning 3. Build Relationships 4. Be Prepared 5. Communicate 6. Execute



9 TIP #2: Listen for learning

Think of someone who does this well What does this person do? Genuinely cares Listens intentionally Tries to remember specific things about each person – business cards, notes Puts others at ease – authentic, disarming

11 I. Board Composition: – Know who you want on your Board and why
Tip #4: Be Prepared (PT 1) I. Board Composition: – Know who you want on your Board and why

12 Early Model Last First Former camper Former staff member City State
Camper Parent Staff parent Raleigh NC

13 Later model Board of Advisors Last First Former camper Former staff
<40 City State Current parent Staff parent Law Med Real Estate Bank Bus Edu Clergy Non-Profit Mkt YMCA Mil x Atlanta GA Raleigh NC Charlotte Philadelphia PA Bayboro Greenville Tampa FL Bethesda MD Gastonia G’boro  Raleigh Raleigh  W-S New Bern Oriental

Association model MATRIX FOR RATING PROSPECTIVE BOARD MEMBERS MAJOR FACTORS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I Camp Expertise II Management Experience III Community Involvement IV Recognition and Image V Financial Impact VI Camp Commitment VIII Camp Involvment

15 Board Matrix Key I. Camp Expertise: specific understanding of and involvement in Camp 0 – 3 Very little experience with Camp 4 – 6 Some experience as a Camp participant or volunteer 7 – 10 Extensive Camp participation and volunteerism II. Management Experience: Complexity of professional experience 0 – 3 Small business; works from home; middle management 4 – 6 Senior management in a large organization 7 – 10 CEO or President of a large company; large business owner III. Community Involvement: Knowledge, understanding of and participation in local organizations 0 – 3 Very little participation in the community 4 – 6 Some participation in and support of organizations and causes within the community 7 – 10 Extensive participation in and support of organizations and causes within the community

16 IV. Recognition/Image: Level of influence in community
0 – 3 Little influence in the community 4 – 6 Some influence and connections in the community 7 – 10 Broad influence and connections in the community V. Financial Impact: Ability to help fund Camp initiatives 0 – 3 Can give or raise <$10,000 4 – 6 Can give or raise $10,000 - $25,000 7 – 10 Can give or raise >$25,000 VI. Commitment: Level of commitment to Camp 0 – 3 Little commitment to Camp; unable to commit to meeting attendance 4 – 6 Some participation in Camp initiatives and moderate attendance at meetings 7 – 10 High level of participation in Camp initiatives and meetings VII. Specific Service: Level of needed expertise 0 – 3 Does not bring a specific, needed expertise to the table 4 – 6 Brings some needed talents to the table 7 – 10 Brings a significant expertise to the table

17 Small Group Exercise

18 What's wrong here is that these board composition matrices focus our attention on what people are, rather than on what the organization needs board members to do. From Ditch Your Board Composition Matrix By Jan Masaoka  

19 1. The skills trap

20 2. The demographic trap

21 3. The connections trap

22 to ask these questions:
Instead, Masaoka says to ask these questions: 1. What are the three most important things for our Board to accomplish this year? 2. Do we have the right people on the Board to make that happen?

23 Be Prepared, (PT 2) II. Expectations of the Board: - Know what you need them to do - Make it meaningful - Include philanthropy - Making their own gifts - Asking for other gifts - Thanking donors

24 1. Be Honest – “Sine Cera” 2. Say something – even if not perfect
tip #5: COMMUNICATE 1. Be Honest – “Sine Cera” 2. Say something – even if not perfect

25 Do what you say you are going to do
Tip #6: Execute Do what you say you are going to do

26 Tips 1. Learn Something from Everything 2. Listen for Learning – you need a thick skin and a soft heart 3. Build Relationships 4. Be Prepared 5. Communicate 6. Execute

27 Bonus Tip: Things don’t always go as planned


29 you have great memories!
And if no one gets hurt you have great memories!


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