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Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

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1 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest
The State Water- Resource Balance of Slovak Republic Poorova, J., Danacova, Z., Skoda, P, Magulova, R. 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

2 Present water engineering problems (1)
Water Sources Water Demand < Z = P > 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

3 Present water engineering problems (2)
Adaptation water resources distribution in time and space toward water demand distribution in time and space. Water economy issue in non - homogeneity conditions - the quantification and qualification of hydrological process changes. 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

4 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest
About Slovak rep. A = km2 Z = 761 mm OSR =262 mm (410 m3.s-1) Inflow: 2135 m3.s-1 outflow: 2550 m3.s-1 11 RB (10 DRB, 1 VRB) WR : 20 (1472,5mio.m3) WT: 7 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

5 The State Water-Resource Balance of Slovak Republic (SWRB)
to know the quantitative balance state of surface water resources, to evaluate the water resources exploitation, to explore the relationship water demand versus water resources, provide the basic information for planning in Slovak Republic, 1975, 137 profiles 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

6 Water Balance Water - Resource Balance (VHB) Hydrological Balance
Water - Resource balance on surface water quantity ( previous year) Water - Resource balance on surface water quality ( previous year) Water - Resource balance on ground water quantity ( previous year) Water - Resource balance on ground water quality ( previous year) Report on Water - Resource balance for previous year Report on Water - Resource balance for Development Plan Water Balance Hydrological Balance 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

7 Water Sources Water Demand
MPP = MQ - X Minimum balance discharge MQ Natural available SW water resources C = E – effects E – Effected discharge (real measured) N – Sum of Effects of Artificial Water Storage Reservoirs P - Sum of Effects of Artificial Water Transfers X – Discharge change X = V – (PO+PZO) PO - Sum of SW abstractions PZO - Sum of GW abstractions V - Sum of discharge water X – Sum of Effects of W utilization < Z = P > Effects: Available SW water resources ENP = C +N+P 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

8 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest
Sum of Effects of W utilization GW abstractions discharge water SW abstractions 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

9 (Quantitative) Balance status
BSC = Z / P BSC = C / MQ-X BSENP = ENP/ MQ-X BSC (BSENP) > ,1 good 1,1 > BSC (BSENP) > 0,9 tense 0,9 > BSC (BSENP) > 0 negative 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

10 MQ, Exceed Frequency – method in SR
The exceed frequency of flow is given in terms of days, Mean daily discharge equal or exceeded in M days Reference time period: 61 – 2000, (1931 – 80), M -days 30 90 180 270 355 364 P % 8,2 24,6 49,3 73,9 97,2 99,7 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

11 Cumulative frequency curve
31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

12 Some examples of results
Slana River Basin, P=3217km2 Z = 712 mm O = 189 mm (19,36 m3.s-1) Number of Profiles: 14 Number of WR: 2 (13,712 mil.m3) Number of water transfer: 1 (0,5 – 1,6 m3.s-1) Qa = 19,36 m3.s-1 MQ = 2,150 m3.s-1 Q355, uzáver = 3,618 m3.s-1 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

13 Natural available SW resources
31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

14 Water utilization (1) - number
31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

15 Water utilization (2) - quantity
31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

16 Runoff distribution - annual
31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

17 Priority: To ensure drinking water supply:
Extraordinary measures: – !!!!: Changes in performance of abstraction (cut-down,..) Regulated abstraction from reservoir for users, (time restrictions, amount restriction, Prohibitions (water the gardens, car washing, ...) 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

18 (Quantitative) Balance status
31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

19 Index on Water Scarcity
Rws = W/Q (Taikan, O. et al, 2003) where: W – sum of annual abstractions, alt. water demand Q – annual available water resources. Rws < 0,1 no water scarcity 0,1 < Rws < 0,2 low 0,2 < Rws < 0,4 moderate (tense) 0,4 < Rws significant 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest Porovnanie indexu nedostatku vody a bilančného stavu BSC sme urobili nasledovným spôsobom:

20 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest
Index Water Demand Water Sources < P = Z > natural WR (C) available (ENP) Guaranteed Q (MQ) Utilization, 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

21 Index - Minimum balance discharge
31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

22 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest
Index - Utilization (1) 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

23 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest
Index - Utilization (2) 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

24 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest
Index no water scarcity Low moderate (tense) Significant No water 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

25 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest
Conclusions Permanent monitoring, (alert system) Permissions (evidence, performance,..) Real utilization, (regular and controlled evidence, system of collection is necessary, regular and controlled,..) „suitable“ and „sustainable“ limits of guaranteed WR (ecological?, to solve utilization? make them more restrictive? 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

26 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest
Thank for your attention: 31 March - 1 April 2011 Meeting of the EG on Water Scarcity & Droughts, Budapest

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