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Owls you can see in Marquette County

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1 Owls you can see in Marquette County

2 Brought to you by Howard and Betty Love Marquette County featuring

3 Barred Owl

4 Habitat: Upland Hardwood Forests, Lowland Floodplain Forest and Pine Plantations. Lives to 10 or more years old. Nest: Most often in a tree cavity, but sometimes will use old hawk, crow or squirrel nests. Will also nest in a large bird house made for them. Will use the same nest site for many years. Food: Mostly mice, but also squirrels, fish, insects, amphibians, reptiles and birds of all sizes. Sometimes will take larger prey such as rabbits, opossums and woodchucks. Barred Owl

5 Eastern Screech Owl

6 Habitat needs: Hardwood forests and old trees like oak, hickory and maple. Lives about 10 years. Here year round Nests: Tree cavity often made by Pileated Woodpeckers, Flickers or squirrels. Will use Wood Duck houses and owl boxes. Food: Mice, shrews, snakes, lizards, frogs, large insects, moths, grasshoppers, beetles and small birds. Eastern Screech Owl

7 Great Horned Owl

8 Habitat: Forests, parks, golf courses and pine plantations
Habitat: Forests, parks, golf courses and pine plantations. Forest edges. Our largest resident owl. Can live up to 30 years. Nest: Most often uses an old Red-tailed Hawk nest, but will also use old nests of Crows, Ravens, Herons, Bald Eagles or squirrels. Sometimes on cliffs. Food: Just about anything that moves and can be carried. Rabbits, squirrels, rats, house cats, small dogs, muskrats, mink, skunks, woodchucks, gophers, opossums, ducks, geese, herons, pheasants, chickens, hawks, other owls, woodpeckers, most other birds, frogs, fish and large insects. Great Horned Owl

9 Long Eared Owl

10 Nest: Old squirrel or crow nests in both hardwoods and pines.
Habitat: Large forests of pine and hardwoods. Often roosts in large colonies in plantation pine or willow thickets near marshes in winter. Lives as long as 25 years. Nest: Old squirrel or crow nests in both hardwoods and pines. Food: mice, shrews, moles, bats, squirrels, chipmunks, gophers, small birds, frogs and large insects. Only hunts at night. Long-eared Owl

11 Northern Saw Whet Owl

12 Habitat: Primarily coniferous forests, especially in winter where they roost in Christmas tree plantations or thick cedar groves. Our smallest owl. Lives years. Nest: In old woodpecker holes and sometimes in nest boxes made for Flickers or Screech Owls. Food: Insects. Occasionally small birds or rodents. Northern Saw Whet Owl

13 Short-eared Owl

14 Habitat: Large open grassy fields, prairies and marshes
Habitat: Large open grassy fields, prairies and marshes. Lives about 10 years. Usually seen here October to March. Nest: On the ground. Will line the nest with dead grasses and feathers. Food: mice, shrews, rabbits, gophers, bats, grasshoppers, June beetles and small birds. Short-eared Owl

15 Snowy Owl

16 Habitat: Treeless tundra in Canada and Alaska. Nests on high spot
Habitat: Treeless tundra in Canada and Alaska. Nests on high spot. Lays from 4-14 eggs depending on abundance of food. Irruptive from the Arctic. Lives about years. Food: Mostly lemmings on tundra. In winter grounds, marsh lemmings, mice, rats, rabbits, squirrels, some birds. Snowy Owl

17 Saw Whet Great Horned Short Eared Barred Owl Long Eared Snowy Owl Eastern Screech

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