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DO NOW Answer this question on a new sheet of paper:

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW Answer this question on a new sheet of paper:"— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW Answer this question on a new sheet of paper:
If I keep cutting a piece of paper in half over and over again, will there ever be a point where it won’t be paper anymore? Explain why or why not.

2 Tarrell: It will still be paper no matter how many times you cut it or how small it gets. When you cut paper in half, it is still paper. So no matter how small you cut it, it will always be paper. Angela: Paper is made from wood. As you keep cutting the paper smaller and smaller, you will eventually get to the stuff that paper is made of, like wood. So will not have paper, you will have wood or something else. Rodney: The paper will eventually get so small that you can’t cut it. It just turns into dust. LJ: If you had enough fancy equipment, you could keep cutting it, but eventually it won’t be paper anymore. You would have tiny pieces but they are too tiny to count as paper. Which student(s) do you agree with? You can choose more than one. Explain why you agree.

3 Models of Matter Read the 2 short articles about the 2 different models of matter (Continuous Model and Particle Model) In your group (2-6 people), create a graphic organizer to compare and/or contrast the 2 models of matter Ex) T-chart Ex) Venn diagram Each group member puts their name in the section that most closely describes their own answer to the Do Now question.

4 DO NOW: Label each student’s answer as agreeing with the Continuous Model or the Particle Model. Also tell why. Tarrell: It will still be paper no matter how many times you cut it or how small it gets. When you cut paper in half, it is still paper. So no matter how small you cut it, it will always be paper. Angela: Paper is made from wood. As you keep cutting the paper smaller and smaller, you will eventually get to the stuff that paper is made of, like wood. So will not have paper, you will have wood or something else. Rodney: The paper will eventually get so small that you can’t cut it. It just turns into dust. LJ: If you had enough fancy equipment, you could keep cutting it, but eventually it won’t be paper anymore. You would have tiny pieces but they are too tiny to count as paper.

5 Now you are going to draw pictures:
Imagine a piece of paper and imagine you can ZOOM IN to see what the paper is made of What will it look like according to the PARTICLE MODEL? What will it look like according to the CONTINUOUS MODEL? I should see 2 drawings on your paper (1 for each model).

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