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Active Directory Computers

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1 Active Directory Computers
3.2 Manage Active Directory Objects Active Directory Computers TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity

2 Section Skill Overview
Redirect the computer container. TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity

3 Key Terms Pre-staging Computers TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity

4 Key Definitions Pre-staging Computers: A computer account must be created in Active Directory prior to joining a computer to the domain. Pre-staging is the process of adding a computer to the Active Directory database before joining the computer to the domain. TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity

5 Computer Accounts Can be pre-staged . Places computer in desired OU .
Allows a user with fewer rights to complete the computer join. TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity

6 Offline Domain Join Creates computer accounts for computers not able to contact domain controllers. Command is djoin. TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity

7 In-Class Practice Do the following labs:
3.2.4 Create Computer Accounts TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity

8 Class Discussion How can you join a computer to the domain if it does not have a network connection? TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity

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