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General John “Black Jack” Pershing

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1 General John “Black Jack” Pershing American Expeditionary Force (AEF) Commander

2 General John “Black Jack” Pershing
Participated in the Indian Wars against the Apache & Sioux during the 1880s-1890s Fought alongside African- American soldiers at Battle of San Juan Hill during Spanish-American War Named by President Wilson as Commander of the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) during WWI Highest ranking General of all time (promoted to rank of General of the Armies of the United States)




6 Belleau Wood (June 1918)


8 Belleau Wood (June 1918) Nearly one month long battle between American Expeditionary Forces & Germans on Western Front Resulted in an allied American led victory Began to demonstrate the weakening German defenses U.S. suffered nearly 10,000 casualties including over 1,800 killed.



11 Meuse-Argonne Offensive


13 Meuse-Argonne Offensive (September-November 1918)
The final Allied Offensive against the German army of WWI Led by American forces and supported by French troops U.S. suffered 117,000 casualties & nearly 49,000 killed in what was the biggest single battle involving American troops. Led to the November 11th Armistice (Germany’s surrender)


15 Sergeant Alvin York “If you don’t shoot anymore I’ll make them surrender!!!”
Part of a small platoon who captured 132 German soldiers after taking out approx. 32 German machine gunners

16 M1917 Enfield Rifle .45 Colt sidearm

17 Conscientious Objector
Ironically, Sgt. York at first conscientiously objected to being drafted into the army. On religious grounds he 1st registered himself as a conscientious objector (someone who resists being drafted into Armed Forces based on religious or moral grounds) After thoughtful reflection with family & his pastor, he joined the 328th Regiment & became America’s most highly decorated soldier of WW1 including the Medal of Honor.




21 James Europe: Band Leader of the Harlem Hell Fighter 369th

22 Henry Johnson “One of the five bravest men to fight in WWI
Henry Johnson “One of the five bravest men to fight in WWI.” General Pershing Member of Harlem Hell Fighters who fought off approx. 24 German soldiers during a trench ambush Awarded Croix de Guerre by the French In 1997 awarded the Purple Heart and Distinguished Service Cross by President Bill Clinton This was 68 years after Henry’s death



25 JOHNSON, HENRY Sergeant, U. S
JOHNSON, HENRY Sergeant, U.S. Army Company C, 369th Infantry Regiment, 93d Division, A.E.F. Date of Action: May , Awarded under Act of Congress, Home Town: Albany, New York

26 The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Henry Johnson, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action in France during the period May 1918. Private Johnson distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force.

27 While on a double sentry night duty, Private Johnson and a fellow soldier were attacked by a raiding party of Germans numbering almost twenty, wounding both. When the Germans were within fighting distance, he opened fire, shooting one of them and seriously wounding two more. The Germans continued to advance, and as they were about to be captured Private Johnson drew his bolo knife from his belt and attacked the Germans in a hand-to-hand encounter. Even though having sustained three grenade and shotgun wounds from the star, Private Johnson went to the rescue of his fellow soldier who was being taken prisoner by the enemy. He kept on fighting until the Germans were chased away.

28 Private Johnson’s personal courage and total disregard for his own life reflect great credit upon himself, the 369th United States Infantry Regiment, the United States Army, and the United States of America.



31 Patrick O’Dowd III WWI

32 Pvt. Louis Larson Co. G 168 Infantry

33 The Last Doughboy Frank Buckles (110)


35 116,516 WW1 U.S. Deaths



38 Armistice Day or Veterans’ Day November 11th

39 Serbia Britain Austria-Hungary 1,200,000 DEAD 3,620,000 WOUNDED
Germany 1,773,000 DEAD 4,210,000 WOUNDED Russia 1,700,000 DEAD 4,950,000 WOUNDED France 1,375,000 DEAD 4,260,000 WOUNDED

40 Lost Battalion:77th Liberty Division
554 Doughboys surrounded by Germans from Oct. 3 – Oct. 8 in the Argonne Forest Without food or reinforcements, 194 emerged from the Forest. The rest killed, captured or missing.

41 Major Charles Whittlesey, a New York lawyer before WW1, led the units from the 77th Division into the Argonne. Received the Medal of Honor for his brave actions leading his men under hostile and near impossible conditions In 1921, probably suffering from post-traumatic syndrome, Charles Whittlesey disappeared from a cruise ship reported as a suicide jump.

42 Cher Ami Trained carrier pigeon who helped to rescue the Lost Battalion. Awarded the French Croix de Guerre medal Died in 1919 from his injuries (lost eye, lost leg, broken breastbone) in WWI and placed in the Smithsonian Museum.


44 Archangel RUSSIA


46 African-American Doughboy Letter Home
Create a three (3) paragraph letter written home from the perspective of a WW1 African-American soldier. Use Thomas Davis’ interview to help you craft this letter. P1: Training For War P2: Experience “Over There” on Western Front P3: Experience Upon Arrival Back to U.S.A.

47 Chapter 11, section 1 World War I Begins

48 Chapter 11, section 2 American Power Tips the Balance

49 WW1 Foot Soldier

50 WW1 Foot Soldier Video Austria-Hungary & Germany (& Russia) Countries declared war out of alliances with ach other Units made up of friends from neighborhoods/towns Represents Frederick the Greats Army (German militaristic pride) a) Tommy b) Hun c) Doughboys Easy to load & capable of rounds per minute “monkey” meat, biscuits, coffee & rum

51 8. Rain, floods, trench foot
9. A spontaneous cease fire was called and enemies gathered together and sang Christmas carols a) take prisoners for interrogation b) take information (booty) Doughboys tipped the balance in favor of the Allies & brought war to a quick end November 11, 1918 (Armistice Day….now known as Veterans Day) ??????


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