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Next#1 El repte de la triple pantalla Continguts, tecnologia i nous usuaris en lera de la TV digital multiplataforma.

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Presentation on theme: "Next#1 El repte de la triple pantalla Continguts, tecnologia i nous usuaris en lera de la TV digital multiplataforma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Next#1 El repte de la triple pantalla Continguts, tecnologia i nous usuaris en lera de la TV digital multiplataforma

2 Mesa redonda: La nueva TV: los contenidos producidos por el espectador

3 Ed Pettit Founder/Head of TV and Digital Guerrilla Multiplatform Production Company The New TV: Viewer-Created Content

4 Guerrilla and UGC Specific projects where UGC has been used successfully Abduct Me – Multi-platform production in which UGC is shaping the narrative of the show Fans Eye View – Combination of UGC material mixed with High Quality Sound recording of music performances Skycast – Linking Network of UGC producers with major broadcaster for ongoing project

5 Commissioned as a web/mobile/Red Button production 8 x 5 minutes (and now an ongoing project) Creation of the programme was entirely based around getting people to send in their own experiences of Alien Abduction Provided research for the programme and immediately engaged a potential audience Abduct Me (Sky One)

6 UGC shaped the creation and narrative of the programme from start to finish Coming soon - website to accompany the series called Viewers uploading blogs, images, video, interacting and shaping the future of the show Abduct Me (Sky One)

7 Abduc_Me_UGC

8 Abduc_Me_Episode _4

9 Exclusive Calvin Harris performance in London Fans came with cameras and or provided with cameras All rights were cleared before hand Performance sound recorded professionally Edit completed professionally by Guerrilla Mix of professional material (sound) and UGC (video) Fans Eye View (Yahoo! Music)

10 Calvin_Harris

11 SKYCAST is SKYs online and red button platform for UGC At launch it required content for the platform Guerrilla formed network of UGC producers over previous 2 years Some were previously active in creation of UGC already Others had a passion for a topic and were keen to make video content Camera kit, expertise and advice given to producers if required SKYCAST (British Sky Broadcasting)

12 The launch of Skycast required content that was: Rights cleared Of good production quality Relevant to their audience (Sports,News, Films, Entertainment) Guerrilla connected its network of UGC producers into SKYCAST system No money was paid to producers SKYCAST (British Sky Broadcasting)

13 Skycast_LBO

14 Skycast_Lost

15 Skycast_Cher_on_ Film

16 Skycast_Daves_Travel

17 Skycast_London_Tornado

18 Skycast_Hug_a_Hoodie

19 UGC projects will always thrown up the following challenges: call to action – must be clear, understandable and achievable Rights and legal issues of submitted content – music, logos, slander, copyright images Production values – image but usually more common to have sound problems. Quality of files submitted - too small etc Guidelines for Successful UGC

20 You can not simply ask for stuff – consumers do not respond to general calls to action Traditional TV needs to be smart in integrating UGC To often interactive or UGC ideas are added in at the end of the idea – make it integral from the beginning Guidelines for Successful UGC

21 The production quality of UGC material needs to be good to engage with the viewer in the long term – or they will switch off Ideas that involve either an immediate pay off – see your material on screen within minutes rather than days or weeks or shape the future of the programme (Abduct Me) will always be more popular. Guidelines for Successful UGC

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