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Classroom Connection  Mr. Netz’s March 15, 2019

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1 Classroom Connection  Mr. Netz’s March 15, 2019
Dear Mr. Netz, I have seen all _____ of the papers in this Friday Folder. _____________________________________________ (Parent signature) Upcoming Tests and Quizzes Tues- Test Ch 12 Language / Spelling home test Wed- Ach Tests begin / Spelling pre-test list 24 / Completed Nation Notebook Due Thurs-Tues Nation Notebook Presentations Fri IXL – G.1, G.2 / Spelling test List 24 Bible verse Phil 2:9, 10 No Cats Classroom News & Reminders Achievement Tests begin Wednesday. Tests and homework will be decreased. Make sure your little cherub gets a good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast. Please turn in the form that allows us to get “free” textbooks through non-public funding. Thanks. We will be observing animal specimens on Wednesday. Upcoming Events 3/20 – Final Nation Notebooks due 3/20-3/27 – Achievement Testing 4/2 – End of the 3rd marking period Photo of the week Too Cute! ©Mrs. G’s Element of Fun

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