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What will happen to the Earth?

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Presentation on theme: "What will happen to the Earth?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What will happen to the Earth?
Light and darkness What will happen to the Earth?

2 Robotics The science or study of the technology associated with the design, fabrication, theory, and application of robots.

3 Questions Do you think that in the future houses will be built with 3D printers?

4 2. Do you think scientist will invent electronic orgns in ten years?

5 3. Do you think that we will control computers with our voices?

6 4. In the future technology developments will stop.

7 5. Do you think there will be a bionic eye that will give sight to the blind people?

8 6. Do you think we will go into our houses with a body scanner?

9 7. Do you think that electronic gadgets will be charged with the sun?

10 Conclussion After interwiewing the students of 1ºP.R.C we believe that the new technology is the Future.


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