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Welcome Rising 6th Graders

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1 Welcome Rising 6th Graders

2 Administration Team Dr. Vanessa Watkins, Principal
Valerie Jones, Assistant Principal Dannette Estes, Assistant Principal Rodney Wheeler, Assistant Principal Deidre Booker, Student Services Administrator

3 School Culture Vision: We will work with parents, students, and the community to teach and prepare ALL students for success in high school, college, and careers for the 21st century. Mission: To Ensure Academic Success for All Students Core Values: Accountability Integrity Respect

4 Dress Code Tops: Black, White, Gray, Baby Blue or Navy Blue
Bottom: Khaki style pants in Navy Blue, Black or Khaki Solid color Sweatshirts (dress code colors)

5 SURPRISES Few classes with friends 7 classes, 7 different teachers
Work Load (Rigor) Few classes with friends 7 classes, 7 different teachers Zeroes (low grades) Amount of homework Retention & Placement No recess or snacks

6 General Concerns Agendas (Hall passes) & (Assignments) Out of Area
Transitions (Connections) Cell Phones (BYOD) Lunchroom Behavior Breakfast Lockers Attendance Schedules

7 Counselors Kimberly Favors-Parks, 6th & 7th Grade
Ryan Tolbert-Jackson, 7th & 8th Grade

8 Counselor’s Corner Organization (turning work in)
Help students make friends with like-minded people Classroom Guidance Group Guidance Individual Counseling Conflict Resolution

9 Discipline In-Class Consequences:
Verbal Warning Phone Call Home Silent Lunch Detention Parent Conference Office Referral Administrative Consequences: Office Referral Detention In School Suspension (ISS) Out of School Suspension (OSS) Expulsion *Referrals do NOT start fresh at the beginning of each Semester.

10 All 3 behaviors must be present.
Bullying Offenses OSS ( In the 1st proven offense, the student will receive 5 days out of school.) Expulsion (If the 3rd offense occurs within one school year, the student shall be expelled for one calendar year.) Bullying is repeated, intentional, & power-based. RIP –The Bully Test All 3 behaviors must be present.

11 Accountability Integrity Respect
Cougars Will Show: Accountability Integrity Respect Rewards for being accountable, respectful and having integrity : Cooper Cash Drawings Cooper Cash Days Gym Time, Movie in Theater, Game Room More to Come!

12 AIR - The Cooper Way

13 Camp Cooper The camp will take place the first week in June
The camp is only a half day. Regular clothes are worn during camp. There are no uniforms. Students will follow a 6th grade schedule. Sign up starts tonight at Parent Night / Website

14 Welcome Rising 6th Graders

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