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Today’s special Introductions Syllabus, etc.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s special Introductions Syllabus, etc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s special Introductions Syllabus, etc.
HW: Read syllabus, Your parent and you will sign it, and return signature page to me next time!

2 Welcome to Physics! Mr. Stumler

3 You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do.
Henry Ford Fact: The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.

4 SHAPE School Vision & Mission Statement
No Excuses – SHAPE our future. To provide an exemplary education that inspires and prepares all students for success in a dynamic, global environment.

5 School Improvement Goals
Student Performance Goal #1: (Data Analysis and Reasoning across the Curriculum) Student Performance Goal #2 (Writing across the curriculum)

6 What’s new in physics? NASA news

7 Attendance Please state your: Name Where you are from
Most favorite class of all time and why What is one thing that you like about SHAPE American School?

8 Syllabus/Grading/Procedures
Signed and returned next class Write this assignment in your planner and let me see it, please!

9 Before class Do homework Read chapter Prepare to succeed!

10 In class Arrive on time to prepare yourself
Do not bring electronics, please Get ready to learn but getting homework out, preparing questions, thinking

11 After class Please utilize my seminar for homework help, test prep, and greater understanding Plan ahead…get your pass before Gold 3 period ends…no pass, no seminar. Work on homework with plenty of time to get your questions answered

12 NO!!! Personal electronics Cell phones, ipods, etc.
Not allowed in hallways or my classroom If I see one, I will take it to the office, following school policy

13 Text books Assign books
Please write the textbook number, your name, and sign that you have received and will take care with your textbook for the year Preview textbook

14 First Chapter Read pgs. 1-12 Vocabulary sheet 1

15 Safety First! Lab safety contract
You must have this signed by next class Retain a copy in your binder

16 Physics demo What is inertia?
Let’s find out with an egg, cardboard tube, pie pan, glass of water, and a broom!

17 Assignment one Read Chapter 1 and define vocabulary
Signed syllabus & lab safety contract due next class!!  Let me see your assignments written down in your “planner” Right triangle trigonometry coming up!

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