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Editorial- a newspaper or magazine article stating an opinion.

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Presentation on theme: "Editorial- a newspaper or magazine article stating an opinion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Editorial- a newspaper or magazine article stating an opinion.

2 Madras- light cotton shirt in a bright print, usually plaid

3 Rivalry- competition

4 Sympathetic- sharing the feelings of another

5 Quiver- a slight trembling

6 Reputation- the character of someone as seen by others

7 Suspicious- showing distrust

8 Hastily- done or made in a hurry

9 Incredulous- feeling disbelief

10 Hesitation- a pause because of forgetfulness or uncertainty

11 Hoodlum- a rowdy destructive adolescent

12 Stricken- overcome by emotion

13 Muffle- to lessen the sound of

14 Rebellious- opposing authority

15 Rumble- a fight between gangs

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