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Additions to Lecture II

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1 Additions to Lecture II
Strengths & Weaknesses of Deontology & Consequentialism

2 Strengths of Consequentialism
Practical, Results-oriented View Relatively clear how to make ethical judgments simply reflect on consequences

3 Weaknesses of Consequentialism
How can we know all the consequences of an action? How can we compare utility from person to person? Do we include all generations?  All species? Will utilitarianism lead us to ‘repugnant conclusions’? In theory, any kind of action could be justified if the consequences of the situation work out just right.

4 Strengths of Deontology
Sets clear moral boundaries Some things just can’t be done Possibility of multiple principles allows for flexibility Only on pluralist versions of deontology

5 Weaknesses of Deontology
If we don’t rely on consequences for moral justification, then can we find a convincing case for identifying basic moral principles? Deontology’s basic approach is not as simple as consequentialism’s Deontology can seem overly ‘legalistic’ i.e., too focused on rules too inflexible

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