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Lesson Fourteen: Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the USSR

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1 Lesson Fourteen: Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the USSR

2 structure Part I (paras. 1-6): the composing of the speech at the
news of the invasion Part II (paras. 7-13): the highlights of the speech

3 Part II (paras. 7-13) Section 1 (paras 7-9):
hatred to Hitler and sympathy to Russia Section 2 (para 10): Churchill’s strong determination Section 3 (paras 11-13): how and with what can we defeat Hitler

4 Section 1 (paras 7-9): hatred to Hitler and sympathy to Russia
The nature of Nazi regime: Devoid of theme and principle Nothing but appetite and racial domination Excels all forms of human wickedness with its cruelty and ferocious aggression

5 Section 1 (paras 7-9): The six SEEs

6 Section 2 (para 10): Churchill’s strong determination
Can you doubt… But one aim, one single, irrevocable purpose, be resolved to, nothing will turn us, never parley, never negotiate, faithfully, steadfastly, be resolved upon

7 Section 3 (paras 11-13): How and with what can we defeat Hitler
How: fortified, encouraged, strengthened, united, to redouble, to strike With what: efforts, determination, resources, exertions, life, power, united strength

8 Section 3 (paras 11-13): Para12: the ambition of Hitler
To destroy Russia – to overwhelm Britain – to destroy the other enemies – to subjugate the western hemisphere to his will Section 3 devoted to arguing why GB. should aid the USSR.

9 Homework: A question to think about
writing style and rhetorical devices

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