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Welcome! March 19th, 2018 Monday

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1 Welcome! March 19th, 2018 Monday
Do Now Take a weekly Bell Ringer sheet from the front table. Once the bell rings, we’ll watch a video, and you will have five minutes to respond to the question in at least five sentences. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you 

2 What is your reaction to this process? Does it change the way
Click on the link below to watch a video clip. Respond in writing by providing your thoughts on the following question: What is your reaction to this process? Does it change the way you feel about eating a hotdog? © Presto Plans

3 The Book Thief We’ve got a lot to read today, so let’s jump right in!
Turn to page 17 (the start of Part One). We’re going to read to page 35. As we read: Pay attention to the way characters are described. Afterwards, we’re going to do a quick character analysis activity, so pay attention to everyone we’re introduced to during today’s reading. 

4 The Book Thief Read the last section, “The Woman With the Iron Fist,” on your own (pg As you read, you should annotate your thoughts either in your book on sticky notes or on a separate sheet of paper. Make sure you have at least two annotations per page. Each annotation should be 1-2 complete, thoughtful sentences.

5 Goals for Today… Character Analysis: As we read, consider the five characters on your handout. In the first column, briefly describe each character’s personality (1-2 sentences is fine). What are they like? In the second column, provide a direct quote from the text that supports your analysis. Be sure to include the page number for full credit! Text Comprehension/Analysis Questions: After we read, respond to the questions on the back of your handout. Be sure to explain your responses fully and provide supporting textual evidence if necessary. Personal Response: Write your own short response to the book so far. The direction of this response can be up to you, as long as you write at least five sentences. I just want to know what you think! Some questions you can respond to include: What do you like about the book so far, considering the plot, characters, and/or writing style? What do you not like? What do you think will happen next?

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