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Presentation on theme: "Mollusks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mollusks

2 Mollusk Features True coelum Bilateral symmetry 3 part body plan
A) Visceral Mass: central section; contains organs B) Mantle: Tissue that secretes shell C) Muscular Foot

3 Mollusk Features Have organ systems Usually separate male/female sexes
Shells: made of protein and calcium Radula: tongue-like organ to scrape food

4 Gastropods: slugs, snails
“Stomach Foot” Mostly marine Most single shell Foot secretes slime to move Feeding: Herbivores: scrape food with radula Predators: poisonous dart to swallow prey whole

5 Poor fishy

6 Bivalves: clams Most marine Shell secreted by mantle
No distinct head region or radula Filter feeders Sperm & egg released into water Larvae free swimming

7 Cephalopods: squid, octopus
“Head foot” Large head attached to tentacles Complex nervous system & brain Expel water through siphon to move Jet propulsion Active predators

8 The Cuttlefish

9 The Cuttlefish in Action

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