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Forum for Strategisk CSR

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1 Forum for Strategisk CSR
Measuring the immeasurable Copenhagen Søren Larsen

2 Why investors are so excited about ESG: Indication that sustainability and returns goes hand in hand
Wealth development for equally weighted ratings portfolios, Kilde: Nykredit/ MSCI ESG Research 2016 18. april 2019

3 Example of an ESG-fund Bæredygtige aktier
Global fund of 60 companies delivers positive alpha with a high ESG-score (6,4) Exclusion of controversies and fossil fuels Stock picking based on fundamental research combined with ESG Active ownership through direct dialogue and AGM participation The portfolio’s companies have a high ESG-score. The portfolio’s average rating is high, and 25% of the portfolio has a higher rating than last year. Both positive and negative impact are closely followed

4 The next challenge of investing
ESG-returns Impact Sustainable investing 18. april 2019

5 The important details in the challenge
ESG Sector focus Relative measurements Defined by materiality Exponential/ big data Impact Global focus Absolute measurements Intent? Additionality?

6 Examples of companies impact - how to acknowledge results and keep focus on challenges
Apple: Products use 70% less energy than in 2008, own datacentres use 100% renewable energy (SDG 12) Step by step the company improves working conditions at its suppliers and sourcing of materials. But more is needed. China Everbright: 28,600 tons of waste is converted to energy daily; 3,735,000 m³ of water cleaned daily (SDG 6+7). The company has a ambitious target for work safety, but has not reached it yet. Unilever: 51% of raw agricultural materials sourced sustainably; since 2010, waste pr. consumer has been reduced by 28% (SDG 12). The company has a very ambitious and impactfull ambition of doubling the sales of nutrious products by 2020, but is yet some distance from this. Same goes for sustainable palm oil. Vestas Wind System A/S: 82 GW of new wind capacity installed in (SDG 7). How do we ensure that the new capacity is not double counted i.e. by the utility having the turbines installed?

7 Disclosure and disclaimer
DISCLOSURE This material has been prepared by Nykredit Asset Management, which is part of Nykredit Bank A/S. Nykredit Bank A/S is a Danish public limited company subject to the supervision of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority. This material is used in connection with investment advisory services to the investors for whom we have prepared the material. This material has been produced for marketing purposes and cannot be considered as investment research, for which reason no prohibition applies to trading in financial instruments referred to in the material prior to distribution. DISCLAIMER This material has been produced by Nykredit Asset Management for the personal information of investors to whom Nykredit Asset Management has distributed the material. The material is based on information available to the public and own calculations based thereon. Nykredit Asset Management does not accept any liability for the correctness, accuracy or completeness of the information in the material. Recommendations are not to be considered as offers to buy or sell the securities in question, and Nykredit Asset Management accepts no liability for transactions based on information presented in the material. Information on previous returns, simulated previous returns or future returns presented in the material cannot be used as a reliable indicator of future returns, and returns may be negative. Information on price developments presented in this material cannot be used as a reliable indicator of future price developments, and price developments may be negative. Gains may increase or decrease due to foreign exchange rate fluctuations. If the material contains information on a specific tax treatment, it should be borne in mind that the tax treatment depends on the investor's individual situation and may change in future. If the material contains information based on gross returns, however, fees, commissions and other costs may reduce returns. Nykredit Bank A/S and/or other companies within the Nykredit Group may buy, sell or hold positions in the securities referred to in the material, just as these companies may be involved in corporate finance activities or other activities for companies referred to in the material. The material may not be reproduced or distributed without the prior consent of Nykredit Asset Management. Nykredit Asset Management – Otto Mønsteds Plads København V Tlf Fax

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