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Affirmative and negative

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Presentation on theme: "Affirmative and negative"— Presentation transcript:

1 Affirmative and negative
Tu commands! Affirmative and negative

2 Affirmative commands To give a command to another person simply conjugate the verb in the el, ella, ud. Form. Examples Cantar – canta Bailar – baila Hablar – habla Escuchar - escucha

3 Negative commands These are a little more complicated, but just follows the few steps Step 1: Conjugate the verb in the yo form. Step 2: Drop the “o” from the yo form. Step 3: Add the opposite tu form ending Let’s try some!

4 Mezclar

5 Negative commands,cont’d
Let’s try it with hablar! Step 1: Conjugate the verb in the yo form hablo Step 2: Drop the “o” in the yo form. habl Step 3: Add the opposite tu form ending hables

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