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1 View for info

2 Bible Reading (Journal) Genesis 1:1 – 2:3
Questions How does God describe his Creation? Is it still so, or is it corrupted? How so? What do you think it means to be created in the image of God? What are the commands given by God to man in these verses? To what extent are humans to still follow these commands?

3 Bible: The Review

4 The Old Testament Written over year time period

5 Genesis 1 God Creates

6 Genesis 1 God Creates order from disorder (chaos/desolation).

7 Genesis 1 God Creates order from disorder (chaos/desolation).
Light, Sun, Moon, Stars, Seas, Land, Creatures

8 Genesis 1 God Creates order from disorder (chaos/desolation).
Light, Sun, Moon, Stars, Seas, Land, Creatures All these things were worshiped in ancient world Author indicates that Creator, not creation, should be worshiped

9 Genesis 1 God Creates order from disorder (chaos/desolation).
Light, Sun, Moon, Stars, Seas, Land, Creatures All these things were worshiped in ancient world Author indicates that Creator, not creation, should be worshiped Man is created last in Image of God

10 What does Image of God mean?
View Bible project Image of God.

11 Who was Adam? Ruler on earth (image of God)

12 Who was Adam? Ruler on earth (image of God)
Also first Priest (speaking right praise to God for creation)

13 Who was Adam? Ruler on earth (image of God)
Also first Priest (speaking right praise to God for creation) In OT, God is present 1)in Garden and 2) in Tabernacle/Temple

14 Who was Adam? Ruler on earth (image of God)
Also first Priest (speaking right praise to God for creation) In OT, God is present 1)in Garden and 2) in Tabernacle/Temple Adam was to “work and keep” the Garden Levite Priests were to “work and keep” the tabernacle (Numbers 3&4) Temple was designed to look like the Garden of Eden

15 Read and compare with Rev 21:1-7 & 21:22-22:5
Before you read… What do you think eternity looks like for Christians? Read Genesis 2:4-25 How is the creation account different from ch1? What direction is Eden? What watered the garden (v10)? Read and compare with Rev 21:1-7 & 21:22-22:5 What parallels do you see between the Holy City in Rev. and Eden in Gen?

16 The Garden/Temple/Church
God desires to be among his creation Garden of Eden God is directly in contact (walks in) Human Perfection Peaceful (no violence/death) Planted in east side of Eden Cherubim stationed on east side

17 View Heaven & Earth

18 Creation “I Believe in One God the Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth, and of all things visible and invisible.”

19 Read chapter 3 of Genesis
What is meant by the serpent “striking the heel” of the “seed of the woman?” What is meant by “seed of the woman” crushing the head of the serpent? Read Gen 3:24 and compare to Rev 22:1-2 What can man eat from in the New Jerusalem that he is denied at the end of Gen 3?

20 Show Messiah

21 Man’s Fall? Adam & Eve Sin

22 Man’s Fall? Adam & Eve Sin Devil tempts them to sin.
Get kicked out of paradise No longer giving God “right praise”

23 Sin takes over world After Adam/Eve story Cain & Able
Violence, rivalry Out of this comes - Tohu wa bohu (Hebrew), meaning chaos/desolation. (same word before God spoke light into existence).

24 Sin takes over world Waters rise (Tohu wa bohu). God rescues Noah & makes covenant. Never again will all flesh be destroyed.

25 Rabbis & Church Fathers…
Believed that the ark was symbolic of a Temple… God’s good creation (animals) and Noah are being saved…

26 After flood…

27 After flood………..???????

28 After flood… Sin immediately shows up again. Noah’s sons????

29 World gets more sinful…

30 World gets more sinful…
Tower of Babel What is it? A bad temple. (bad praise)

31 Does God give up on His creation?

32 Does God give up on His creation?

33 God chooses Abram (Abraham)
God favors Abraham & his sons (nation of Israel) And makes another covenant. Father of many nations.

34 Abraham’s son? Isaac Two sons

35 God chooses Abram (Abraham)
God favors Abraham’s sons (nation of Israel) Joseph leads family to Egypt, where they become enslaved.

36 Moses

37 Moses


39 Moses God chooses Moses to lead his people out of slavery. This is known as the….?

40 Moses God chooses Moses to lead his people out of slavery (Exodus)
Moses is given Law of God “I would not have come to know sin except through the Law; for I would not have known about coveting if the Law had not said, ‘You shall not covet,’" (Rom. 7:7)

41 Moses Law is kept in the tabernacle in…

42 Moses God chooses Moses to lead his people out of slavery (Exodus)
Moses is given Law of God (Exodus-Deut) Another covenant made. God promises them the “Land of Milk and Honey.” (Joshua) Israelites disobey God, leave pagans alive, marry into paganism and break God’s commands.

43 View Covenants

44 What are the first 5 books of the OT called?

45 What are the first 5 books of the OT called?
The Pentateuch

46 What are the first 5 books of the OT called?
The Pentateuch Genesis   Exodus   Leviticus   Numbers   Deuteronomy

47 God sends Israelites Prophets & Judges
Israel turns to God and back away from God over and over. (Judges & 1st Sam) BC

48 Israelites Demand a King

49 Israelites Demand a King

50 Israelites Demand a King
Saul David

51 Who is David

52 Israelites Demand a King
Saul David Solomon Builds temple

53 Temple

54 Read Isaiah 52:13-53:9 Read Isaiah 53:10-12?
What is the suffering servant likened to in v7? What happens to the Suffering Servant? Read Isaiah 53:10-12? What finally happens to the Suffering Servant in v 11? What Questions does this passage raise for you?

55 More problems Israel cut into two sections?

56 More problems Israel cut into two sections? Judah & Israel
North wouldn’t accept Rehoboam as King Solomon's Grandson

57 Israelites suffered a number of military defeats
Israelites suffered a number of military defeats. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 B.C. (so was the Temple) and many captives were taken away to…

58 Israelites suffered a number of military defeats
Israelites suffered a number of military defeats. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 B.C. (so was the Temple) and many captives were taken away to Babylon. (Babylonian Captivity)

59 Israel in Babylon Remember Daniel?

60 Israel in Babylon Remember Daniel?

61 Israel in Babylon Remember Daniel? Persia takes over… Johnny Cash!

62 Cyrus of Persia Lets Israelites go back & Rebuild Jerusalem 520s
(2nd Chronicles, Ezra & Nehemiah) Rebuilt Jewish Temple

63 Greeks conquered Persia in 332 BC
Antiochus Epiphanies banned Jewish rites/slaughtered pig on Alter 200ish BC

64 Romans took over 63 BC This is setting for Jesus’ Birth

65 View What is the Bible?

66 The Historical Books   Joshua   Judges   Ruth   1st Samuel   2nd Samuel   1st Kings   2nd Kings   1st Chronicles   2nd Chronicles   Ezra   Nehemiah   Tobit*   Judith*   Esther   1st Maccabees*   2nd Maccabees*

67 The Wisdom Books   Job   Psalms   Proverbs   Ecclesiastes   Song of Solomon   Wisdom*   Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)*

68 Other Prophesy Wisdom 2:12-20
"Let us lie in wait for the righteous man, because he is inconvenient to us and opposes our actions; he reproaches us for sins against the law, and accuses us of sins against our training. He professes to have knowledge of God, and calls himself a child of the Lord. He became to us a reproof of our thoughts; the very sight of him is a burden to us, because his manner of life is unlike that of others, and his ways are strange. We are considered by him as something base, and he avoids our ways as unclean; he calls the last end of the righteous happy, and boasts that God is his father. Let us see if his words are true, and let us test what will happen at the end of his life; for if the righteous man is God's son, he will help him, and will deliver him from the hand of his adversaries. Let us test him with insult and torture, that we may find out how gentle he is, and make trial of his forbearance. Let us condemn him to a shameful death, for, according to what he says, he will be protected".

69 The Books of Prophecy  Isaiah   Jeremiah   Lamentations   Baruch*   Ezekiel   Daniel   Hosea   Joel   Amos   Obadiah   Jonah   Micah   Nahum   Habakkuk   Zephaniah   Haggai   Zechariah   Malachi

70 The New Testament Written over 50 year time period

71 John the Baptist All 4 gospels insist we look at Jesus thru John the Baptist Read John 1:1-34 What does the author mean when he writes, “And the Word became flesh”? “and made His dwelling among us”? what does John mean by calling Jesus the lamb of God? Re-read Gen 1:1-5 & compare with John 1:1-5. What elements are similar? What is different? What is St John insisting about the Word’s place in creation and eternity?

72 John the Baptist “Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has arisen no one greater than John the Baptist.” – Jesus (Matt 11:11) Temple Priest’s son Not in temple, but in wilderness Temple was too corrupt.

73 Jesus Christ Born around 3 BC Killed by Romans in 30 AD
Raised from dead, ascended into heaven… Followers wait for the “Comforter”

74 Christian Church & The Age of Christianity
Begins at Pentecost (Acts 2) Holy Spirit enters Disciples begin spreading Gospel

75 Church headquartered in…

76 Church headquartered in…
Jerusalem Who led church?

77 Church headquartered in…
Jerusalem Who led church? James the Just (Jesus' brother) Acts 15

78 Church is persecuted by…

79 Church is persecuted by…
The Jews Saul (Paul) Risen Christ appears to Saul Saul becomes a Christian and name is changed to Paul

80 Spread of Christianity
Apostles spread Christianity to Africa, Asia, & Europe. Acts focuses mostly on Paul & Peter, but Church did grow elsewhere too.

81 Read Acts ch 2 What does Peter appeal to in explaining the strangeness of what was occurring in v 16-21? What covenant does Peter refer to in v After Peter’s Sermon convicts the listeners, what does Peter tell them they should do? How does Acts 2 explain Christian Worship v42? What Questions does this passage raise for you?

82 In 64 AD, Rome…

83 In 64 AD, Rome Burns!

84 Tradition says….

85 Tradition says….

86 In 64 AD, Rome Burns! Nero blames Christians

87 In 64 AD, Rome Burns! Nero blames Christians St. Peter?

88 In 64 AD, Rome Burns! Nero blames Christians St. Peter?

89 In 64 AD, Rome Burns! Nero blames Christians St. Paul?

90 In 64 AD, Rome Burns! Nero blames Christians St. Paul?

91 In 64 AD, Rome Burns! Nero blames Christians St. Paul? Other apostles?

92 Read John 14:15-31 What is promised to the disciples when Jesus states that He will be going away? When Jesus says, “the Father is greater than I,” what does He mean? Who is the prince of the world, that Jesus refers to?

93 The Gospels (60-95AD) The four Gospels tell of the birth, life, ministry, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus. Matthew Mark Luke John

94 Acts Who wrote it?

95 Luke & Acts Two part book
Acts tells story of Early church through about 62 AD.

96 Luke & Acts Two part book
Acts tells story of Early church through about 62 AD. St Luke wrote it.

97 The Letters of Paul (50-64 AD)
Wrote to encourage individual churches/people Romans 1st Corinthians 2nd Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1st Thessalonians 2nd Thessalonians 1st Timothy 2nd Timothy Titus Philemon

98 The Catholic (general) Epistles
Hebrews James 1st Peter 2nd Peter 1st John 2nd John 3rd John Jude (some of these were/are questioned)

99 Apocalyptic books Revelation (95-100 AD)
Keep in mind, the current 27 book NT took centuries to finalize.


101 Christianity: The Apostolic Age lecture # 2

102 Words to Know orthodox: Sound in opinion or doctrine, especially in religious doctrine. Distinct from “Eastern Orthodox” catholic: universal, Christian. Distinct from “Roman Catholic” heresy: is a religious opinion held to be contrary, to the Christian Church or that of any church, creed, or religious system.

103 The Traditional Christian Paradigm
For this class: Try to understand Christianity from various points of view (doesn’t mean you have to agree with). Need totally different perspective to understand early Christianity.

104 Paradigm shift Perspective/ view with certain assumptions…
What assumptions do you have about Christianity?

105 The Traditional Christian Paradigm
Discard American ideas of…

106 The Traditional Christian Paradigm
Discard American ideas of… Equality/democracy (as opposed to hierarchy & church authority)

107 The Traditional Christian Paradigm
Discard American ideas of… Equality/democracy (as opposed to hierarchy & church authority) Individualism (as opposed to community) Emphasis on personal choice

108 The Traditional Christian Paradigm
Discard American ideas of… Equality/democracy (as opposed to hierarchy & church authority) Individualism (as opposed to community) Emphasis on personal choice Rights Jeffersonian..

109 The Traditional Christian Paradigm
Most of us have a distinctly Protestant understanding of things… (Yes I might say things here that make you uncomfortable) The Bible? Its place, its make up, its purpose? (Rev. 22:18)

110 The Traditional Christian Paradigm
Most of us have a distinctly Protestant understanding of things… (Yes I might say things here that make you uncomfortable) The Bible? Its place, its make up, its purpose? (Rev. 22:18) The Church? Who’s in it, who’s in charge, how its organized? (Acts 15)

111 The Traditional Christian Paradigm
Most of us have a distinctly Protestant understanding of things… (Yes I might say things here that make you uncomfortable) The Bible? Its place, its make up, its purpose? (Rev. 22:18) The Church? Who’s in it, who’s in charge, how its organized? (Acts 15) Forgiveness? How it works, who has the authority? (John 20:19-23)

112 On Separate sheet of Paper
NOT journal… Read Isaiah 52:5-10 What is the “good news” or “gospel” of peace? How does the Lord “comfort” his people? V8-9 Compare with Romans 10:11-18 What is the Good New or Gospel according to St Paul? What does St Paul say about Jews and Gentiles BIG QUESTION: WHAT IS THE GOSPEL?

113 Early Church Need totally different perspective to understand early Christianity.

114 Early Church How does one learn about the beliefs and practices of the early church?

115 Early Church How does one learn about the beliefs and practices of the early church? Bible Christian and non – Christian writings of the time. I will use both. Warning – some of the non – biblical writing have truth in them as well as exaggerations or even heresies.

116 Where did Christianity spread?

117 The Spread of Christianity
A. The geographical movement 1. To the West a. By the end of the 1st century: eastern Mediterranean b. By 185: also Gaul, Germania, Spain, and North Africa

118 II. The Spread of Christianity
100s – 450s

119 II. The Spread of Christianity
A. The geographical movement 1. To the West a. By the end of the 1st century: eastern Mediterranean b. By 185: also Gaul, Germania, Spain, and North Africa 2. To the East a. India: Apostle Thomas

120 II. The Spread of Christianity
A. The geographical movement 1. To the West a. By the end of the 1st century: eastern Mediterranean b. By 185: also Gaul, Germania, Spain, and North Africa 2. To the East a. India: Apostle Thomas b. Syria C. Afghanistan

121 Important! Paul and Peter weren't the only guys running around spreading Christianity! We tend to focus on

122 IV. Why Did Christianity Spread?

123 IV. Why Did Christianity Spread?
The power of the Gospel!

124 IV. Why Did Christianity Spread?
A. The power of the Gospel 1. The religious mix a. The ___traditional pagan__ religions b. The ________________ religions (Isis) c. The ___________________ (rationalism & “good life”) d. The ________________ cult (emperor worship) 2. The exclusiveness of Judaism and Christianity Couldn’t add to it (wont sacrifice to gods/secretive)

125 IV. Why Did Christianity Spread?
A. The power of the Gospel 1. The religious mix a. The ___traditional pagan__ religions b. The ___Eastern/mystery__ religions (Isis) c. The ___________________ (rationalism & “good life”) d. The _________________ cult (emperor worship) 2. The exclusiveness of Judaism and Christianity Couldn’t add to it (wont sacrifice to gods/secretive)

126 IV. Why Did Christianity Spread?
A. The power of the Gospel 1. The religious mix a. The ___traditional pagan__ religions b. The ___Eastern/mystery__ religions (Isis) c. The ____philosophy____ (rationalism & “good life”) d. The ___________cult (emperor worship) 2. The exclusiveness of Judaism and Christianity Couldn’t add to it (wont sacrifice to gods/secretive)

127 IV. Why Did Christianity Spread?
A. The power of the Gospel 1. The religious mix a. The ___traditional pagan__ religions b. The ___Eastern/mystery__ religions (Isis) c. The _____philosophy____ (rationalism & “good life”) d. The _____Imperial______ cult (emperor worship) 2. The exclusiveness of Judaism and Christianity Couldn’t add to it (wont sacrifice to gods/secretive)

128 What is the Gospel? Write on a sheet of paper what you think the gospel is. You can discuss w/ a friend.

129 What is the Gospel? Play Rob Bell Video

130 Read Orthodox Perspective
Handout, save in notes.

131 Law: Prelude to the Gospel
All Humans are law breakers/sinful (Romans 3:23) “All Have Sinned” All Humans deserve death and separation from God because of sin (Romans 6:23) “Wages of Sin is death” In fact, we were dead from the start… “As for you, you were dead in your trespasses and sins” – Ephesians 2:1

132 Gospel: “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, 5even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved…8For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works.” (Ephesians 2:4-5 & 8-9)

133 Watch Gospel of Kingdom

134 After Rob Bell, reading an Orthodox perspective and listening to Mr
After Rob Bell, reading an Orthodox perspective and listening to Mr. Cook, revise your version of “the gospel.”

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