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MEN only can 1963 Nobel Prize winners win the Nobel prize Wilkins

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Presentation on theme: "MEN only can 1963 Nobel Prize winners win the Nobel prize Wilkins"— Presentation transcript:

1 MEN only can 1963 Nobel Prize winners win the Nobel prize Wilkins
Franklin Crick Watson

2 new- clee - oh - tide nucleotide

3 Why do offspring resemble their parents?
The offspring have copies of the parents’ chromosomes Chromosomes contain sets of instructions Those instructions are called GENES Genes are made up of DNA Why do offspring resemble their parents?

4 In what year was DNA finally concluded to be genetic material?
1944 HINT: D-Day: This is the U.S. Coast Guard at Normandy

5 the three parts of a NUCLEOTIDE?
5-carbon sugar molecule (deoxyribose) Phosphate the three parts of a NUCLEOTIDE? Nitrogen base

6 The letters DNA stand for what words?
Deoxyribonucleic acid

7 4 different NITROGEN bases
Adenine Thymine

8 Guanine cytosine

9 Class of organic molecules for ADENINE and GUANINE
purines LARGE

10 Class of organic molecules for thymine and cytosine
pyrimidines SMALL

11 Purines have how many rings of carbon and nitrogen atoms?

12 Pyrimidines have how many rings of carbon and nitrogen atoms?

13 A T Thymine always goes with Adenine Cytosine always goes with Guanine
Base-pairing rule T A Thymine always goes with Adenine Cytosine always goes with Guanine C G

14 Watson, Crick and Wilkins
3 scientists who won the Nobel Prize by understanding the 3-deminsional structure of DNA Watson, Crick and Wilkins 1953………Nobel Prize in 1962

15 Only males were allowed in the university dining rooms, and after hours Franklin's colleagues went to men-only pubs. Rosalind Franklin

16 Describe a double helix
Spiral staircase

17 In the DNA structure of the ‘twisted ladder’ (spiral staircase) the rungs are held together by what bond? HYDROGEN

18 The process of making a new DNA strand is called

19 Before REPLICATION can begin
The double helix must be UNWOUND

20 The UNWINDING of the DNA strand is accomplished by

21 Differences between DNA and RNA
2 strands of nucleotides Single strand of nucleotides 5-carbon sugar deoxyribose (‘de’ means without an OH) 5-Carbon ribose (sugar) thymine Uracil

22 Now you try it Draw 5 pairs of nucleotides, labeling each part.

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