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Media Audience Measurement & Online Audience Measurement 2 nd July 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Media Audience Measurement & Online Audience Measurement 2 nd July 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Media Audience Measurement & Online Audience Measurement 2 nd July 2010

2 Content Introduction Essence Of Media Planning Expectations From Media Investments Measurement - The Key To Informed Decision Making Various Forms of Media Measurement Online Media Measurement Media Measurement Data Sources In Nigeria

3 The Art of Reaching out to the right audience in the right frame of mind at the right place in the best possible manner & at the best possible cost Media Planning

4 Measurements - The Key To Accountable Media Planning Pre - Investment Decision Making Objective Setting How much & In which media to invest Target Consumer, P priority Markets, Competitive Behavior Post - Investment Analysis Delivery against set objectives

5 Objective Setting – AIDA Model

6 Measurement Metrics – Audience Measurement Demographics - Gender Age Socio Economic Classification (SEC) Geographic Location Psychographics Exposure to Media Product Consumption

7 Measurement Metrics - TV & Radio Coverage – Penetration of a TV / Radio Station Television / Radio Rating Points (TRP/RRP)- Percentage of Target Audience exposed to a program or time band Reach – Percentage of Target Audience exposed to a station, time band, program or Advertising Schedule Frequency – Average number of times the advertising has been seen Gross Rating Point (GRP) – The sum total of advertising exposures Cost per Rating Point (CPRP) - A measure of cost efficiency. The cost of 1 TRP Cost per Thousand (CPT) – A measure of cost efficiency. The cost of a 1000 exposures

8 Measurement Metrics – Print Circulation – The average daily net sales of a newspaper over a period of 6 months Readership – The percentage of a given Target Audience who have read a particular newspaper Reach – The percentage of a given Target Audience exposed to a particular newspaper or an advertising schedule Frequency – Average number of times a particular ad was seen Cost per thousand (CPT) – A measure of Cost efficiency. Cost of a 1000 impressions

9 Measurement Metrics - OOH Daily Circulation – No of people exposed to a given billboard daily Cost per thousand (CPT) - A measure of cost efficiency. The cost for a 1,000 exposures

10 Measurement Metrics – Digital Impressions – Exposure to an ad message. An impression is complete when the ad loads fully. Click Through – When a person clicks on an ad it is called a click through Click Through Rate - The number of Click Through achieved for a campaign as a percent of the total impressions CPT – A measure of cost efficiency. Cost per 1000 impressions. Cost Per Click (CPC) - A more accountable measure of cost efficiency. The advertiser only pays if the consumer clicks on the ad Conversion – A factor like sales, clicks, sign ups, etc. measured as a percentage of total impressions Cost Per Acquisition - Cost of a sale or a sign up to an offer

11 Tools for Measurement – Television & Radio Diaries Basic and most cost effective way of measuring TV viewership and Radio listenership Diaries are placed with a panel of consumers Consumers record their viewing / listening behaviour on a daily basis Diaries are collected from the respondents on a weekly basis and reported on a monthly basis Viewership / listenership is reported in 15 minute time bands Based on Consumer Recall

12 Tools for Measurement – Television People Meter Advanced measurement system of Television Viewership A people meter is placed in every household on the panel The people meter collects minute by minute viewership behaviour and transmits it online back to central server More accurate since it is based on behaviour and not recall A parallel collection of broadcast material enables estimation of Ad viewership

13 Tools for Measurement – Radio Portable People Meter Advanced measurement system of Radio Listenership Portable people meter is carried on the respondents person Records the radio listening behaviour of the respondent Data collected in 1 minute intervals and can be reported on a daily basis A parallel collection of broadcast material at the central server enables estimation of advertising listenership

14 Tools for Measurement – Print Audience Research A large scale research exercise Has a large sample size Usually done twice a year Uses the mast head method Respondents are shown the mast head of various publications and asked if they have read the publication within the duration of its periodicity ABC compliments this.

15 Tools for Measurement – OOH Site Classification & Rating Site classification involves a thorough listing of the universe of billboards in a town and their classification based on parameters such as Distance from road Height Size Lit/Unlit Angle from road Clutter Site rating involves physical measurement of number of people that pass the site on an average day. Includes pedestrian and vehicular traffic

16 Tools for Measurement - Online 3 rd party Ad server data – 3 rd party ad servers add links to your digital ads to be able to collect cookie based information on consumer online behaviour. The ad server data allows us to - Measure all connection points along the path to purchase - how often a consumer has been exposed, did he click on the ad, what was his behaviour after reaching your brand website, did he purchase online, after how many exposures did he purchase, etc. The cookies enable tracking a consumers behaviour over a period of time enabling analysis of the link from impressions to purchase Deliver sequential messaging – Different messages can be delivered at different points of the user session by site or placement and at different stages of the path to purchase Optimisation – By creative, site, placement, time of day or day of week Popular 3 rd party ad servers include Double Click and Tag man

17 Media Measurement Of Delivery Against Set Objectives – Offline Media Offline media measurement systems offer metrics that allow for measurement of exposure to the ad campaign. Exposure is one step before awareness and is the most commonly used measurement metrics for offline media

18 Media Measurement Of Delivery Against Set Objectives – Online Media Online measurements are more sophisticated and allow for measurement right from exposure to purchase and even post-purchase Impressions are an equivalent of Exposures Click throughs are an equivalent of Consideration and Preference Online sign up or purchase are equivalents of Purchase Social media even enables measurement of consumer loyalty Loyalty

19 Current Data Sources In Nigeria AMPS Television & Radio Diaries Media Monitoring (MMS/MediaTrak) Demographic and Psychographic Audience Classification Reach of Media Product Consumption Print Readership Viewership and Listenership of TV and Radio Monitoring of Brand Activity Analysis of competitive media behavior

20 AMPS – All Media & Products Survey Survey commissioned by Media Planning Services Research conducted by Media Research Consultancy 20,750 respondents pan-Nigeria Covers Urban & Semi-urban locations Readership of all major print titles covered Consumption of more than 120 product categories covered All respondents above the age of 7 years

21 Television & Radio Diaries (MPS Diaries) Survey commissioned by Media Planning Services Research conducted by Media Research Consultancy 20,680 respondents across 15 locations Monthly studies in Lagos, PH, Abuja & Kano. Other locations quarterly Data collection using daily diaries Provides TV Viewership and Radio Listenership in 15 minute breaks Enables choice of station and specific programs

22 Media Monitoring (MediaTrak/MMS) Monitoring of brand activities on TV, Radio, Print and OOH Covers media activity across 80% of Nigeria and almost all state capitals TV and Radio activity monitored using automated picture and audio matching technologies Enables monitoring of brand activities and Analysis of competitors media activities

23 Way Forward – Offline Media TV & Radio – People meters are expensive to implement. Invest gradually focusing on the big markets as a start. Use diaries for national coverage in the interim Print – AMPS is already providing the required data. Continue research without gaps. Start ABC with advertisers demand Out of Home – Expensive to implement and needs frequent updating. Updating involves a recurrence of entire spend Invest starting with Lagos

24 Way Forward – Online Media World standard tools and processes are available to advertisers in Nigeria Training is key Need is for both advertisers and media agencies to access international experience and start operating at international standard

25 Thank You

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