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Chapter 2 Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 Manager

2 Management Getting work done through others
Doing what is needed to assist employees

3 Management Theories

4 Scientific Management
Efficiency-focused Increasing productivity is the goal Workflow and time to complete tasks is measured and evaluated

5 Theory X Work is something to be avoided
People want to do as little work as possible Use: Control Supervision Punishment

6 Theory Y The work itself can be rewarding
People really want to do their job well Support using Guidance Development Reward

7 Servant Leadership People have value as people
Commit to improving treatment at work Employee first

8 Qualities of an Effective Manager
Leadership Clinical expertise Business sense

9 Management Decisional Interpersonal Informational

10 Interpersonal Management
Networking Conflict negotiation and resolution Employee development Rewards and punishment

11 Decisional Management
Employee evaluation Resource allocation Hiring and firing Planning Job analysis and redesign

12 Informational Management
Spokesperson for staff and the organization Monitoring activities of the units and work groups Public relations

13 Conclusion Nursing management is a complex, responsible position
Ineffective managers may harm Employees Clients Organizations

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