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Learning from discovering (or not) The Scalar

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1 Learning from discovering (or not) The Scalar

2 Plenty of scalars at this meeting….
BUT… so far, Nature does not seem to like elementary scalars and the composite ones are never „unnaturally” light

3 PIONS: Goldstone bosons of the spontaneously broken chiral (global) symmetry of QCD New mass scale at < 4f ( mass) where  interactions become strong The Scalar in QCD (accompanying SSB) -  meson (radial excitation)- has the mass of the order of the  mass Small pion mass and the  meson mass are fully „natural” (in quantum field theory)

4 Are we going to face a new situation concerning scalars
or, if new ones exist, are they similarly „natural” ? A firm „reference” point for this question- we need an EWSB sector Subtitles of this talk: What if the EWSB sector will be the only source of information on BSM physics (hopefull not!)? Can we understand EWSB without any direct exp information on BSM physics (e.g. like new particles)?

5 Crucial for the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism in electroweak theory:
spontaneous breaking of a global symmetry, at least SU(2)xU(1) or better (for =1) SU(2)xSU(2)SU(2) of some sector coupled to the weak gauge bosons as the origin of their masses The BEH mechanism: Goldstone bosons become the longitudinal modes of the gauge bosons W, Z which acquire masses. The Scalar(s) are „by-product” of S (global) SB

6 Simplest dynamical sector with chiral symmetry (to be spontaneously broken) – self interacting scalar field Virtue - renormalizability; also easy description of fermion masses; Prediction: ELEMENTARY scalar h as The Scalar; hWW, hqq couplings are known;

7 Matching of the couplings 
h unitarizes the WLWL amplitude (WL   ) mh serves as a cut-off

8 We can predict the production cross sections and
the decay rates as a function of The Scalar mass mh=? Precision data:

9 Well known drawbacks of the SM The Scalar
(highly unnatural, if it exists in isolation) Basic concepts to make EWSB „natural”: supersymmetry new strong interactions extra dimensions All of them give (or at least are consistent with) a light The Scalar (not necessarily an elementary one) Can we distinguish it from the SM The Scalar? What can we learn about the BSM dynamics from the scalar sector? (First question: does the BSM dynamics exit at all?)

10 Generic characteristics of the scalar sector in (perturbative or non-perturbative) extensions of the SM with elementary ( 2HDM (sorry, Francois), supersymmetry) or composite scalars often more than one scalar and/or vectors coupled to WW none of the scalars couple to WW and to fermions exactly like the SM The Scalar (because of the mixing between them) Looks like good news but… how big effects can we expect?

11 In non-linear parametrization (W = a)
typically Interpretation of the scale f depends on BSM

12 Implications (with perturbative or non-perturbative
BSM physics) WW scattering amplitude is not fully unitarized by a single scalar; other scalars (elementary or composite) or vectors must be active in unitarization production cross sections for h and its decay rates are modified ( usually more difficult to discover ) Unfortunately, the departures from the SM The Scalar are likely to be tiny- take e.g. f=1 TeV (but not necessarily!), particularly with the limits on BSM particles coming from the LHC

13 Partial unitarization of the WW scattering by
the lightest scalar S, S,

14 Effects on the precision tests (Slava et al.)
The cutoff scale may have different interpretations (e.g. the mass of the next scalar) Light but non-SM- like The Scalar also destroys the fit; New contributions needed-good news

15 The closer to the SM the lightest The Scalar is
the easier to discover but, unfortunately, more difficult to distinguish various scenarios Extreme non-SM case: The Scalar does not play any important role in the unitarization of WW scattering (no- The Scalar scenario)

16 New exclusion limits: SM The Scalar is excluded
at 95% CL in the range GeV. Very interesting but not surprising in view of the precision fits Open windows for the SM The Scalar : GeV > 460 GeV Exclusion limits as a function of the scalar couplings? Let’s assume a light The Scalar scenario (not necessarily with exactly SM scalar) or no-The Scalar scenario

17 The Higgs boson mass in supersymmetric models
(of the lightest one/closest to the SM Higgs): MSSM (Haber,Hempling ’91,….)

18 Several options for larger mh with no excesive fine-tuning
e.g additional singlet(s) (Espinosa, Quiros 92, Gunion, Ellwanger, …Kolda) various versions Even for  small enough to remain perturbative up to MGUT , mh ~ 140 GeV is accessible either for low tan  or for large tan  with large mix Larger  (Barbieri et al..)  mh up to 300 GeV (for perturbative theory up to 10 TeV) Given the present exclusion limits – no strong motivation

19 SUSY search Quite constraining for „simple” models (CMSSM etc) but … too early for any more general conclusions on the fate of supersymmetry

20 For instance, flavour-motivated „inverted hierarchy” spectrum
3rd generation light, 1st and 2nd heavy Dudas et al. 95 Cohen et al.. 96 Nelson and Wright 97 Arkani-Hamed and Murayama 97 Lavignac et al.. 05 Barbieri et al.. 07 is much weaker constrained

21 For instance, in models based on horizontal U(1) symmetry
to explain the fermion mass hierarchy, X= Q, U, D qXA – the respective horizontal charges  - Cabibbo angle - gravity mediation contribution inverted hierarchy for q3 = 0, q1,2 > 0

22 correlated with in a model dependent way e.g. etc

23 Inverted hirerarchy and LHC searches

24 with a light scalar (more „flexible” than supersymmetric models)
STRONG EWSB with a light scalar (more „flexible” than supersymmetric models) as a radial excitation in technicolour-like theories (QCD -like) ( this meeting: Sannino, Skiba) gauge-Higgs unification in extra dim (this meeting: Hosotani) Higgs doublet as a (pseudo)-Goldstone boson (this meeting: Grojean) No-The Scalar models

25 Modeling strong interactions:
resonance saturation approximation, with perturbative gv couplings; controlled by chiral symmetry (techniques developed for QCD, e.g. vector bosons as hidden gauge symmetry bosons)

26 Falkowski, Grojean, Kaminska, SP, Weiler

27 CONCLUSIONS A light The Scalar scenario looks more plausible but, paradoxically, the no-scalar one would select more uniquely the direction for extending the SM A light scalar, particularly one similar to the SM The Scalar, will leave several options for BSM physics open; more experimental findings or/and high precision measurements in the EWSB sector will be needed for focusing on one of them A universal, unique laboratory for full understanding of the EWSB is the WW scattering (elastic and inelastic)

28 END

29 Strongly coupled theories with Higgs doublets
as Golstone bosons (composite Higgs boson models) SO(5)  SO(4) = SUL(2) x SUR(2) by a vev of and doublet H remains as Goldstone boson; Vev of H (to break EW) is then obtained from some explicit breaking of SO(5) (e.g. top quark Yukawa)

30 After SO(5) breaking Eventually, we assume, H gets a vev v << f (from v) and Ga are Goldstone bosons eaten by W and Z

31 The electroweak scale is
The Higgs coupling to the „eaten” Goldstones is supressed Reason: h partially in S

32 Striking experimental signatures related to the
presence of three physical scales: <H> = v, <> = f,  ~ 4f breaks SU(2)xU(1) breaks SO(5) cut-off to perturbative physics v/f  10 for v to be natural New fermions – to protect Goldstone nature of H above scale f heavy top quark T, mT ~ O(f )

33 In summary, three questions about the electroweak symmetry breaking:
1) What is the dynamical origin of the electroweak scale? 2) What stabilises the electroweak scale ? (where the scale M comes from?) 3) What unitarizes the WW scattering amplitude? massive W  A ~ GF E2~ s/v2 Related but not identical questions: for instance, in the SM WW is unitarized by an elementary scalar (Higgs boson) but we have no idea what is the origin of GF and what stabilises the Fermi scale. The LHC should give us some answer to (2) and (3) but not necessarily to (1)




37 Unitarity of WLWL(ZL) scattering amplitude SM:




41 2) Partial unitarization of the WW scattering by
the light Higgs boson 3) Higgs boson couplings to fermions

42 Crucial for Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism:
spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry (global) SU(2)xSU(2)SU(2) of some sector coupled to the weak gauge bosons is the origin of their masses




46 Crucial for Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism:
ORIGIN OF THE ELECTROWEAK VACUUM Crucial for Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism: spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry (global) SU(2)xSU(2)SU(2) with an order parameter v of some interactions whose currents are coupled to the electroweak weak gauge bosons is the origin of the gauge boson masses; 3 Goldstone bosons are „eaten up” by gauge bosons

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