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Construction Safety Nova Scotia

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1 Construction Safety Nova Scotia

2 Who we are Established in 1994 Not-For-Profit & Industry Funded

3 Who we are Mission We commit to achieve a positive occupational health and safety culture within the Nova Scotia construction industry through the provision of quality, accessible and affordable services.

4 Who we are Vision Together, construction workers and employers will make the Nova Scotia construction industry the safest in Canada.

5 Who we represent For the industry, by the industry
6000 member firms / 30,000 employees Member SIC 3551 4001 to 4499

6 History - 1993 1224 lost time injuries
Average of 3.11 lost time injuries per $1million in payroll One SIC paying $38 per $100 assessable payroll

7 Today 532 lost time injuries
Average of 0.47 lost time injuries per $1million in payroll Average assessment rate of $3.65

8 Lost time injuries & payroll 1994-2016

9 Time Loss injuries per $1 million in payroll, 1994-2016

10 How did we get there? Believing in the ‘Power to Make a Difference’
Offered OH&S training from the beginning Assessed industry needs from there

11 Certificate of Recognition
Required for tendering 26,000 people trained in 1996 COR Firms do 25% better than non-COR certified firms

12 Lost Time Plateau Lost time accidents stagnant for three years
What was next Strategic plan - Towards Zero Safety Mentoring Program

13 Safety Mentoring Program
Offering assistance to members who need to rebuild their safety programs No additional cost 1 on 1 consulting

14 Safety Mentoring Program
Successful for Industry Lost Time Claims 2009: 671 Lost Time Claims 2016: 532 Successful for companies Example: Firm with 11 TLC goes to Zero = $100,000 in assessable savings

15 Target Zero The goal to achieve zero accidents in the construction industry by 2020 Will be achieved through engagement, training and advice Partnership with DOLAE and WCB

16 Where do we go from here? Currently not enough
Three pillars of Towards Zero goals: Member services Injury Reduction Safety Culture

17 What is Safety Culture? “Deeply held but often unspoken safety-related beliefs, attitudes, and values that interact with an organization’s systems, practices, people, and leadership to establish norms about how things are done in the organization. Safety culture is a subset of and clearly influenced by, organizational culture. Organizations often have multiple cultures or subcultures, and this may be particularly true in construction.” (NIOSH/CPWR, 2013, p.14)

18 Addressing future Safety Culture
Construction Entry Level Training Targeting the future workers Goal: Every youth CELT certified before working in construction

19 CELT video

20 Youth initiative Youth Engagement
Making CELT available to all high school students Making CELT a pre-requisite before entering a construction jobsite

21 Addressing current Safety Culture
Construction Safety Culture Four year research project Understand current safety culture for organizations and industry Interventions toolbox for improving safety culture

22 Construction Safety Culture
Survey created and validated 5 Safety experts consulted Validated with 223 construction employees Firm recruitment – culture analysis Firm recruitment – We will be inviting companies to participate in the project. This will entail our Research Manager and/or advisors handing the surveys out to employees of your organization. Once that is completed, we will be able to provide a report on how your Safety Culture compares to the Construction Industry, to your subindustry. Your results will be available only to your firm.

23 Who has a power to make a difference?
The industry has the power to make a difference. An employer has the power to make a difference. A worker has the power to make a difference. I have the power to make a difference. You have the power to make a difference.

24 Questions?

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