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By: Lexi Joseph & Nataly Torres

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1 By: Lexi Joseph & Nataly Torres
Tree Box Filters By: Lexi Joseph & Nataly Torres

2 What is it? In ground containers or a concrete bottomless box
Contains street trees Mostly found in urban areas Runoff (rainwater) is directed to the tree box, where it is filtered by vegetation and soil before entering a catch basin Similar to bioretention principles used in rain gardens, which enhance pollutant removal, improve reliability, standardize and increase ease of construction, and reduce maintenance costs. It has a underdrain consisting of a pipe surrounded by drain rocks and is engineered to bio filtrate (captures harmful chemicals) with mulch on top that supports the plants.

3 Why is it used? Used to manage stormwater (excess water/run off)
Tree box filters decrease the amount of discharge by detaining stormwater volume and by regulating the amount of discharge Brings aesthetic value to a city One tree box holds gallons of water Tree box filter in Reno, Nevada Vernon, California (regional effort to reduce storm water pollution)

4 What does it look like

5 Citations stormwater-pollution

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