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Unit 4 The Middle Ages.

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1 Unit 4 The Middle Ages

2 Your Unit 4 Cover Page title is: MIDDLE AGES
Use chapters 9 and 10 for inspiration

3 Warm-up: TAKS Vocab Chapter 9 section 1
1. A ______ was the amount paid by a wrongdoer to the family of the person he or she had injured or killed. 2. A _____ which translates to Father were believed to be directly connected to St. Peter. 3. A _____ is a man who separates himself from ordinary human society to pursue a life of total dedication to God. 4. A ______ is a person sent out to carry a religious message.

4 Answers 1. A wergild was the amount paid by a wrongdoer to the family of the person he or she had injured or killed. 2. A Pope which translates to Father were believed to be directly connected to St. Peter. 3. A monk is a man who separates himself from ordinary human society to pursue a life of total dedication to God. 4. A missionary is a person sent out to carry a religious message.

5 Charlemange In your groups everyone turn to page 289 in the textbook. Read the text on this page only as a group. Analyze the chart together, what do you notice? On your own create the same type of chart but this time do it on YOURSELF! This should go on page 4.2 in your spirals. Share your chart with your group

6 Your Hero Who is your personal hero?
Create a chart like the one you just created for yourself and like the one on page 289 in the book, but this time fill it out based on the characteristics of your personal hero. The Person you choose should have at least 4 different aspects and you must know at least 4 facts about this person that can be proven.

7 Warm-up: TAKS Vocab Chapter 9 section 2
1. ______ is the ideal that you must find an important lord to provide protection. 2. A grant of land made to a vassal was known as a _____. 3. The _____ _____ was the unwritten contract that determined the relationship between a lord and his vassal. 4. ______ was a code of ethics that knights were supposed to uphold.

8 Answers 1. Feudalism is the ideal that you must find an important lord to provide protection. 2. A grant of land made to a vassal was known as a fief. 3. The feudal contract was the unwritten contract that determined the relationship between a lord and his vassal. 4. Chivalry was a code of ethics that knights were supposed to uphold.


10 School Board MANOR FEUDAL SYSTEM Superintendent Principals Teachers

11 What else uses a semi-feudual system?
Come up with five examples of other groups or organizations that use a system similar to that of Europe’s feudal system. Put your list under today’s warm-up on 4.4

12 A Knights Tale VPs
Would you risk your life to be respected as a knight or would you be content with where you are born?

13 Short Constructed Response
Read Chapter 9 section 2 Write 2 paragraphs on the following question: Do you think the feudal system worked well with aspects such as being born into wealth or poorness? If not give a specific example of what might have been better or more fair. Complete a rough draft on page 4.5, edit with a neighbor, and complete a final copy on a separate piece of paper, finish as homework.

14 Warm-up: TAKS Vocab Chapter 9 section 3
1. _____ ______ refers a law that was common to the whole kingdom. 2. The _____ _____, often times considered the most important document in history, limited the amount of power the King has. 3. The French kingdom separated people into classes which were known as ______.

15 Answers 1. Common Law refers a law that was common to the whole kingdom. 2. The Magna Carta, often times considered the most important document in history, limited the amount of power the King has. 3. The French kingdom separated people into classes which were known as estates.

16 VOCAB QUIZ TODAY!!!!! Put all materials away except a pen or pencil
When you finish your quiz get out your rough draft Exchange your rough draft with a partner Edit each others Get a good sheet of paper from Miss Hansen Write your final draft and turn it into the drawer! Have an amazing weekend!!!! If you need to me a final copy:

17 Warm-up: TAKS Vocab Chapter 9 Section 4: put it on page 4
Warm-up: TAKS Vocab Chapter 9 Section 4: put it on page 4.6 under the last warm-up 1. The emperor appointed to the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church is known as the _______. 2. The _____, which means separation, between the two great branches of Christianity has still not been healed to this day. 3. The military expeditions carried out by the European Christians to regain the Holy Land was known as the ______.

18 Answers 1. The emperor appointed to the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church is known as the Patriarch. 2. The schism, which means separation, between the two great branches of Christianity has still not been healed to this day. 3. The military expeditions carried out by the European Christians to regain the Holy Land was known as the Crusades.

19 The Crusades 1050s – Seljuk Turks invade Byzantine Empire.
attack Christian pilgrims 1095 – Byzantine Emperor Alexius I asks Pope Urban for help in ridding his empire of Muslim invaders. Pope Urban agrees to help. end schism between Rome and Constantinople keep Christian knights from fighting one another.

20 The Crusades 1099 – Christian knights capture Jerusalem.
1187 – Muslim soldiers under Saladin recapture Jerusalem. 1198 – Pope Innocent III takes office. Claims supremacy over all other rulers. The Church becomes the most powerful body in Europe. Crusades continue for next 200 years.

21 The Crusades

22 Effects of the Crusades on Europe
Increased trade with the Middle East and Byzantine Empire Growth of Italian trading families. Growth of money economy Increased power of the monarchs. Increased power of the Church Wider world view Reconquista in Spain – Muslims and Jews forced to leave or convert.

23 Crusade Movie Poster You need A title A summary of the movie Images
With your partner read together pages design a movie poster for a movie that could potentially be made about the Crusades. You need A title A summary of the movie Images Show times/Theatre name Exciting quotes and star names to attract and audience.

24 Warm-up TAKS vocab: Ch 10 section 1: put on page 4.9 in your spiral
1. A _______ was an agricultural estate run by a lord and worked by peasants. 2. ___________ were peasants who were legally bound to the land (they were NOT free). 3. An economic system based on money, rather than barter (trade) is called a ________ ______. 4. __________ were business associations for craftspeople.

25 Answers 1. A manor was an agricultural estate run by a lord and worked by peasants. 2. Serfs were peasants who were legally bound to the land (they were NOT free). 3. An economic system based on money, rather than barter (trade) is called a money economy. 4. Guilds were business associations for craftspeople.

26 Peasants, Trade, and Cities
Turn to page We will do a popcorn read together through chapter 10 section 1. What factors led free farmers to attach themselves a manor? What are the advantages of the manorial system? What are the disadvantages of the manorial system?

27 Contract Contracts exist to make sure people stick to their word and understand exactly what is expected of them. Work with a partner to write a contract that might have existed between a serf and a lord. Your contract should have specific details of the amount of labor that will be exchanged for particular services. All labor to provided by the serf should be listed The lord’s responsibilities to the serf should also be listed.

28 Example Contract: CONTRACT
The following is an agreement between (serf)___________  and (lord)_________. The terms of the agreement are as follows: (list the specific roles and responsibilities for each of the parties involved) The serf will: ________________ The lord will: The following conditions apply: (put in the specifics about the amount of labor needed for each particular service. You can have more than 3) 1.____________________________________________________________. 2.____________________________________________________________. 3.____________________________________________________________. This contract is rendered null and void if the serf fails to complete the labor required. The contract will be reviewed on: ________________________(date) Serf signature_________________________________ Lord signature________________________________ Witness signature________________________________

29 Warm-up TAKS vocab: Ch 10 section 3
1. ____________ is the study of religion and God. 2. ____________ is the system that tried to reconcile faith and reason by using philosophy and theology in universities. 3. ____________ is the language of everyday speech in a particular region.

30 Answers 1. Theology is the study of religion and God.
2. Scholasticism is the system that tried to reconcile faith and reason by using philosophy and theology in universities. 3. Vernacular is the language of everyday speech in a particular region.

31 School Comparison Read pages 329-331 and take notes in your spiral.
Create a Venn Diagram to compare school in Europe during the High Middle Ages to schools in the United States today.

32 Warm-up TAKS vocab: Ch. 10 section 4
1. The ________ ________ was the most devastating natural disaster in European history. 2. _____________ us hostility toward the Jews. 3. A split in the Church between 2 popes during the years 1378 to 1417 was know as the ____________ ________________.

33 Answers 1. The Black Death was the most devastating natural disaster in European history. 2. Anti-Semitism is hostility toward the Jews. 3. A split in the Church between 2 popes during the years 1378 to 1417 was know as the Great Schism.

34 The Black Death The Black Death was one of the worst natural disasters in history. In 1347 A.D., a great plague swept over Europe,  ravaged  cities causing  widespread  hysteria  and death. 1/3of the population of Europe died. The primary cause of spreading this disease were oriental rat fleas carried on the back of black rats .

35 The Spread of the Black Death

36 The Black Death "The first signs of the plague were lumps in the groin or armpits. After this, enraged black spots appeared on the arms and thighs and other parts of the body. Few recovered. Almost all died within three days, usually without any fever."

37 The Effects of the Black Death
In Medieval England , between (ONLY 2 YEARS!!!) the Black Death killed1.5 million people out of an estimated total of 4 million people No medical knowledge existed in Medieval England to help with the disease. After 1350, it was to struck England another six times by the end of the century.

38 Public Service Announcement (PSA)
The purpose of PSA’s are to inform the public of vitally important information. Sometimes we see these on tv as commercials, other times you just hear them on the radio. They provide facts, statistics, warning signs and next steps to follow. Jb-s

39 Write your own Work with a partner to write a PSA to the people of Europe warning them of the Bubonic Plague that is on its way. If you read it out loud it should sound like something you would hear on the radio.

40 Mid Term Review Round 1 final-exam-review-2010-round-1 Round 2 final-exam-review-round-2 Round 3 final-exam-reivew-round-3

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