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Social Development.

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1 Social Development

2 18 months Independence Family members closest to them
They need to learn about outside world Little interaction between children Parallel play Satisfy what they want without regard to others

3 2 years Understand and interacting with caregivers
Can read person’s moods and gauge behavior Communicate with others as speech develops Fun to play with others but still parallel play Sharing/taking turns Like to receive praise from others

4 2.5 years Rights of others Fairness (at first what is fair to them)
Bickering frequent but brief Child may not do anything for one person but do things happily for another

5 3 years People are important Share, help, do things other person’s way
Cooperative and associative play! Seek friends of their own May prefer some friends over others

6 3.5 years Play becomes complex and conversations
Disagreements are less often Enjoy company Take notice at what other’s like

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