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Information packages for Dean/Associate Dean/Academic Coordinator

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Presentation on theme: "Information packages for Dean/Associate Dean/Academic Coordinator"— Presentation transcript:

1 Information packages for Dean/Associate Dean/Academic Coordinator
Welcome: Welcome in your new academic management role! Here you will find what you need to know to start in your new role. The different modules will be introduced by different people, and offered to you throughout the following year based on when you need what information. Who is this information relevant for: Dean/Associate Dean/Academic Coordinator Relevant contact persons/core staff: Dean´s advisor and Programme Administration

2 Overview of all information packages
Introduction Annual Wheel & Portfolio Process Student Evaluations Business Unit & Market Learning Lab Accreditations & Assurance of Learning Programme & Course Quality Assurance

3 What is relevant for which AD/ACs?
Programme area: Bachelor Master of Science Executive PhD  Responsible departments Information items: 13 programmes 7 programmes EMM, EBM, EMBA, EMME, MBA-Fudan, ESP 6 tracks/ADs Provided by: 1. Introduction / About the role X Dean, Dean´s advisor 2. Annual Wheel / Portfolio Process 3. Programme and course quality assurance  X Programme administration 3.1. Study plan and course revision process 3.2. Programme seminars 4. Student evaluations (formative/summative) Programme administration (+faculty support) 5. Accreditations Programme administration, Sverre G. 6. Assurance of Learning (AoL) 7. Programme and course design Learning Lab 8. Marketing of the programme(s) Marketing, Business Unit 9. Sales and Student Recruitment Sales and Recruitment, Business Unit 10. Study/semester start Student administration, Business Unit 11. Elective courses and progression demands 12. Internship Faculty support (internship coordinators) 13. International relations and exchange International Office + Feite van Dijk 14. Master thesis MSc 15. Graduation/Diploma

4 Introduction/About the role
Elements in this information package: Role description from Quality assurance system, together with the document on “operationalization” of the role The Deans expectations – communication, involvement Meeting discussion fora Introduction of the most important stakeholders and cooperation partners Innovation process Introducing the “learning package” When: When starting Relevant for: AD/AC Programme Area: Bachelor, MSc, Executive, PhD Responsible/Contact person: Dean/Deans advisor Tonje jobber på dokument: Operationalization pr

5 Annual Wheel & Portfolio Process
Elements in this information package: Annual wheel - deadlines, meetings, contributions expected by AD. Also mention structured, informal meetings, depending on Dean. Portfolio process – purpose, timeline, process, show recent AD-reports (also need to mention the innovation process, as a parallel process) When: When starting Relevant for: AD/AC Programme Area: Bachelor, MSc, Executive, PhD Responsible/Contact person: Dean/Deans advisor Programme Administration Annual Wheel legges i FH under fane AD og under ny og egen overskrift. Irene har ansvar 0207 Beskrivelse av Portfolio P. lages u tover høsten (M-E/Kjersti? 0207)

6 Annual Wheel & Portfolio Process
Elements in this information package: Annual wheel - deadlines, meetings, contributions expected by AD/Dean. Portfolio process – purpose, timeline, process, show recent AD-reports (Link to innovation process, as a parallel process) When: When starting Relevant for: AD/AC Programme Area: Bachelor, MSc, Executive, PhD Responsible/Contact person: Dean/Deans advisor Programme Administration Annual Wheel legges i FH under fane AD og under ny og egen overskrift. Irene har ansvar 0207 Beskrivelse av Portfolio P. lages u tover høsten (M-E/Kjersti? 0207)

7 AD Reports & Portfolio evaluation Assurance of Learning - AoL
Timeline study year EMM and BM TASK Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul UUV UUV meeting 1 UUV meeting 2 UUV meeting 3 UUV meeting 4 UUV meeting 5 UUV meeting 6 UUV meeting 7 UUV meeting 8 AD/AC meetings AD meeting AD/AC meeting Study plan, learning outcomes, admission requirements, course descriptions Programme seminars with AD/AC and course coordinators Course descriptions 1 Dec Start course revision by course coordinators Course revision by course coordinators 1 Feb Deadline course revision Start AD approval of course descriptions 15 April Deadline AD approval of course descriptions AD Reports & Portfolio evaluation Dialogue / Portefolio meeting based on the AD report. Decide portefolio for the next academic year Dialogue meeting – status running the portefolio 1 April Start AD reports AD report in progress AD Reports and Deans Report complete Assurance of Learning - AoL Assurance of Learning - AoL Review of AoL structure and courses appointed Assessment AoL autumn semester Assessment AoL spring semester Business Unit Study start for "autumn courses" Student evaluations available Study start for "spring courses" Students evaluations available Pga ulikt innhold og størrelse på årshjul i excel er foilen uleselig når dere tar opp presentasjonen på PC, men i presentasjonsmodus kan innholdet i boksene leses. Dere kan selv velge om dere ønsker å gjøre justeringer i slide eller ikke. Årshjulene ligger i egen mappe under opplæring deanslinjen på G: 3011. Flott om eventuelle endringer gjøres i ‘orginalt årshjul’ under årshjulmappen på G.

8 Programme & Course Quality Assurance
Elements in this information package: Study plans deadlines and process AD/AC responsibility vs Program administration Course revision process – deadlines and phases Important to understand WHY deadlines for study plans and courses are important. See process overview next slide with sequences and dependencies. Exam types/Digitalization Workload for the students When: When starting 1:1 (In due time before activity) Relevant for: AD/AC Programme Area: Bachelor, MSc, Executive, PhD Responsible/Contact person: Truls Brænden Jørgen Finstad Finne riktige linker under kursansvarlig: årlig milepælplan. Irene 0207

9 Dean AD’er og kursansvarlige
Vitnemål Dean AD’er og kursansvarlige Faglige* Dean og AD’er Faglige* Kursansvarlig Rådgivere og PA SA Forretning EA EA LearningLab Forretning Forretning SA Inst.adm Inst.adm Faglig innhold Administrativ støtte /prosessansvarlig Sentral studie administrasjon * Deaner, AD’er. kursansvarlige og øvrige faglige Administrativ støtte /prosessansvarlig Programadministrasjon PA Administrativ støtte /prosessansvarlig Eksamens administrasjon

10 Annual milestones in the course description process

11 Programme & Course Quality Assurance
Elements in this information package: Programme seminar The programme seminar is an arena for the AD to coordinate and update the course coordinators of the programme, and address issues such as overlap and progression between courses, exam types, skills and programme developments. The Associate Dean is responsible for the programme seminars for his/her programme of study. The target groups consist of the programme course coordinators and lecturers, primarily on the branch and sector courses that do not form part of any other faculty/course seminar. See Faculty Handbook When: end of spring/ summer - end of autumn See 3. General planning in Faculty Handbook Faculty seminars - planning Relevant for: AD and course responsible. Programme Area: Bachelor, MSc, Executive Responsible/Contact person: Hilde Henriksen   Lillan Ruud            

12 Student Evaluations Elements in this information package:
When: Fall and Spring semester Relevant for: AD / AC Programme Area: Bachelor, MSc, Executive Responsible/Contact person: Kjersti Gummerson; , May Andersen; , Maj-Elin Kildal; , Elements in this information package: Summative evaluation (how to access and use student evaluation results / reports) AD should follow up that classes are given feedback about results (- when needed - together with student admin) Formative evaluation (during the course dialogue) Regular meetings every semester with class-reps of each programme or major Faculty support coordinates the meetings Contact persons: Faculty support Trude S. Larsen Må få ny info fra Trude høsten 2018 – de holder på med revisjon av rutiner (Kjersti/M-E) Handlingsreglene må tas vekk/endres (for gml) 0207

13 Accreditations/Assurance of Learning
Elements in this information package: BI has four accreditations from the following accreditation bodies: NOKUT, EQUIS, AACSB & AMBA NOKUT sets requirements to the staffing of each programme, c.f. Academic Supervision Regulation §2-3, litra 4a-c AACSB sets requirements to the staffing and composition of faculty on each programme. BI has defined the activity requirements faculty must fullfil in order to be qualified c.f. Standard 15; Faculty Qualifications Deans/ADs must engage an active dialogue with the Department Chairs in order to sufficiently staff the programme according to the requirements above In 2017 BI approved a new quality assurance system where the Deans´ ADs’ roles are presented (c.f. BIs Quality Assurance System) When: Every fifth year for each accreditation (except NOKUT) Relevant for: Deans & Associate Deans Programme Area: Bachelor, MSc, Executive & PhD – depending on the accreditation Responsible/Contact person: Sverre Gundersen;

14 Accreditations/Assurance of Learning
Assurance of Learning (AoL) When: Spring & Autumn Relevant for: AD & Course responsible Programme Area: Bachelor, MSc, Executive, PhD Responsible/Contact person: Maj-Elin Kildal; , Pia Danielsen; , Elements in this information package: AoL is an important indicator of quality for the students’ learning outcome (required by AACSB) All programmes are assessed AD is responsible for aligning objectives and traits with program learning goals, together with for the course coordinator AD selects the courses that best reflect the programmes’ main learning outcomes AD assesses if learning outcomes are achieved Changes are made when necessary due to discrepancy or changes in the programme AoL documents/ Sedona manuals are available on Faculty handbook

15 Programme/course design – Learning Lab
When: x2 When needed 1:1 Relevant for: All Deans and Ads Programme Area: Bachelor, MSc, Executive, PhD Responsible/Contact person: Anna Steen-Utheim and Inger C Erikson / / Elements in this information package: Introduction to the Constructive alignment model Learning Objectives Assessment Tasks and Formats Learning Activities Learning design work processes at BI Introduction to how LearningLab can help in Programme design, Course design and Learning design

16 Marketing – Business Unit
Business Unit & Market Marketing – Business Unit When: Spring (1 year + ahead) Relevant for: ADs Programme Area: Bachelor, MSc, Executive, PhD Responsible/Contact person: Arne Wellberg and Silje Flo (Head of Marketing Full-Time/PhD and Executive) and Arne: Silje: Elements in this information package: Presentation of the marketing unit Annual wheel marketing Campaigns National International Brochure Web Programme pages Market Analysis Support to AD when needed (Before presented in UUV: all new programmes and courses at Executive have to have a market review/analysis)

17 Business Unit – Executive Bachelor of Management
Business Unit & Market Business Unit – Executive Bachelor of Management Relevant for: Dean/AD/AC Programme Area: Executive Responsible/Contact person: Morten Myhre Elements in this information package: About BM Overview of the degree, the courses and programs included, and the approval of other higher education as part of the degree How administrative coordinators work, and their interaction with deans and lecturers Admission When: Mars – September (Fall) October – February (Spring) Graduation October

18 Business Unit - Executive Master of Management
Business Unit & Market Business Unit - Executive Master of Management Relevant for: AD Programme Area: Executive Responsible/Contact person: Åse Fjeld-Hansen Elements in this information package: Study start fall/ spring When (info): April-June previous semester/ Oct-Dec previous semester UUV meetings Preparation for UUV, informal feedback on issues regarding changes in MM- programmes Research Methodology Course - planning When (activity): April-June previous semester Graduation/Diploma When (activity): October/November Information April-June previous semester The ceremony – programme and participation Speech (Dean/ AD)

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