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6th Grade Parent Information Night Elaine S. Schlather Intermediate

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1 6th Grade Parent Information Night Elaine S. Schlather Intermediate

2 6th Grade Expectations The 6th grade schedule is designed similar to a junior high setting. Students rotate through all of their core classes and specials independently. Class periods are 80 minutes (ELA, Math, Specials, Science and Social Studies) with a 45 minute Intervention/Enrichment period which provides 5 periods in our day. Science and Social Studies classes are teamed and operate on A/B rotating days. Elective courses(40 minutes within the 80 minute period, students have two electives each day) include Band, Orchestra, Art, Music, P.E. (3 days each week), Library and Technology (1 day each week).

3 6th Grade Expectations Students are assigned four content teachers.
Students could have regular homework in more than one core class. Parents are required to get a TxConnect account, to monitor your students assignments and grades. Our 4th Period consists of 3 lunch settings: A- 5th grade, B- 5th/6th grade, C- 6th grade. The expectations of homework and projects are higher.

4 Intermediate Curriculum Options: Science & Social Studies
On Level & Honors English Language Arts Math Science & Social Studies *Students must take both Honors Science & Honors Soc Studies.*

5 Introduction to English Language Arts (ELA)
On Level The program is changing- we have a new literature adoption and new TEKS! Students will continue to have shared and self-selected reading/writing time as well as literature response writing. Vocabulary acquisition, for content and enrichment will be ongoing.

6 Introduction to English Language Arts (ELA)
Honors SCUC Summer reading assignment is required-curricular themes will be embedded in the opening unit and classroom discussions. Writing topics are more open-ended. Comprehension questions/discussions demand higher level thinking skills. Literature/vocabulary analysis is more independent with less guided thinking.

7 Introduction to Math On Level Homework is assigned nightly.
Students are expected to keep and utilize a Math Journal (Keep it! It will be good 7th grade resource). Daily Warm-Up activities and assignments provide an opportunity for spiral review.

8 Introduction to Math Honors
Students will complete all of the 6th grade Math TEKS and over half of the 7th grade Math TEKS. As 7th graders, students complete the 7th grade TEKS and all of the 8th grade TEKS. As 8th graders, students will be on track to take Algebra 1 and receive high school credit.

9 Introduction to Science
On Level Science in 6th grade covers 3 major areas: Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth Science to include concepts such as elements, compounds, taxonomy, and plate tectonics. Interactive Journals are required and utilized. Sixth grade Science will focus on basic vocabulary at this level.

10 Introduction to Science
Honors Lessons/skills are covered at a faster pace so that more depth can be included in the classroom instruction. Students are required to participate in additional inquiry-based level activities. Assessments will include short answer questions that require students to reflect and synthesis content knowledge. Students are required to utilize learning resources in advance of each class meeting to be prepared for accelerated learning. In depth discussion occur more frequently.

11 Introduction to Social Studies
On Level Classroom instruction will focus on the study of World cultures. Instruction is provided on the use of maps, graphs and charts. Students are required to analyze course content through the lens of current events. Interactive Journals are required and utilized. Discussions & group work occur regularly. World views will be expanded.

12 Introduction to Social Studies
Honors Students will synthesize content to solve problems, make predications and draw conclusions. Students will compare and contrast a broader range of cultures. Assessments will include project-based learning and short answer/essay questions. More independent reading is required. DBQs-Document Based Questions are a part of the instruction.

13 Characteristics of a Honors Class
Honors courses are rigorous. It is an enriched and accelerated class where students think at high levels in order to develop a deep conceptual understanding of content. Faster pacing of instructional content provides more depth and complexity. The accelerated pace allows students to be actively involved in class discussions about real-world applications of their content. It is reasonable to expect that your child may not always have straight A’s. A signed Honors Commitment Letter is required.

14 What to do if my child struggles?
Attend tutoring (offered every morning, every content) Schedule a Parent/Teacher Conference Attend Homework Haven A Parent/Teacher Conference is strongly encouraged if you are requesting a course change.

15 Character Counts We strongly encourage students to keep these pillars of character in mind as we go through our days at Schlather.


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