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General Information Flyer

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1 General Information Flyer
RASPIR Aspirator General Information Flyer

2 RASPIR reinvents the zig zag classifier
Step 1: Define the Problem

3 RASPIR reinvents the zig zag classifier
Step 2: Solve the Problem The primary problem was the exhausting of the materials in the same space that incoming materials were flowing downward. Causing interference, losses, and efficiency. RASPIR solves this as shown at right. The incoming air comes from right, at higher, controlled velocities. It passes through the downward material flow, raises the lights UP and out the left outlet. So the DISCHARGED lights never interfere with the downward materials! It is MULTI-STAGED! (4) cuts at the materials versus (1) in the ZigZag

4 RASPIR reinvents the zig zag classifier
Step 3: The Details

5 RASPIR reinvents the zig zag classifier
Step 4: The System

6 RASPIR reinvents the Z-box!
For the same reasons as the Zig Zag is inefficient, so is the standard Shredder Z-Box. The Z-Box is used the clean the recently separated ferrous metals after the big drum magnets. The magnets pull out the large ferrous, but there is plenty of fluff still surrounding it. After the Z-Box the ferrous usually goes to a picking station.

7 RASPIR reinvents the Z-box!
The Z-box also passes the separated materials up thru the downward materials. A flaw just like the zig-zag. And too, it only has ONE chance to separate.

8 RASPIR reinvents the Z-box!
Note the velocities in the Z-Box should be around 5,000 FPM. Enough to pull off any fluff, and just not quite enough to pull off any heavy up to 6” in size ferrous. In the Aspirator, the same is true. Also the gaps within the Aspirator are significantly larger, so as not to inhibit up to 6” materials from exiting. It is heavy duty. Liner Panels. Easy replaceable. Similar air volume as a Z-box. VFD controlled!

9 Please visit our website:

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