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Introduction to Cellular Respiration

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Cellular Respiration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Cellular Respiration

2 Warm Up Get a computer and complete Reading Comp 8 15 minutes

3 Agenda Intro to Cellular Respiration Go over final exam
Homework: Cellular Respiration Packet

4 Cellular Respiration

5 Cellular Respiration The Basic Equation

6 Three Steps in Cellular Respiration

7 1 3 2

8 Glycolysis in cytocol fluid space in which the organelles reside
Citric Acid Cycle Matrix (inner membrane) of Mitochondria ETC inner membrane

9 Step 1: Glycolysis

10 Glycolysis Glucose (6C) broken down into pyruvate (3C)
glyco=sugar, lysis=splitting Free energy transferred to energy carrier molecules Inputs: Glucose, ATP Outputs: NADH, ATP, Pyruvate



13 Step 2: Citric Acid Cycle/Krebs Cycle

14 Krebs/Citric Acid Cycle
Cyclical series of chemical reactions Free energy transferred to energy carriers through coupled redox reactions Inputs: Pyruvate/Acetyl-CoA Outputs: GTP/ATP, NADH, FADH2, CO2

15 Focus on two things: Roll of pyruvate Step 4: isocitrate to alpha cetoglutarate (energetically favorable/exothermic/spontaneous) coupled with NAD+ to NADH (uphill reaction).

16 Step 3: ETC

17 Electron Transport Chain
Proton gradient generated by electron transport powers production of ATP Similar to ETC in photosynthesis Inputs: NADH, FADH2 (sources of electrons) Oxygen Outputs: Water, ATP

18 O2 is the last electron acceptor make a lot of energy
Process is called oxidative phosphorylation

19 Repetitions Go back to your paper graphic organizer and add information to it from the lecture Five minutes

20 Video

21 Final Assessment After we go over the assessment put both parts into your file folder

22 Homework Time to work on Packet

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