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Intercultural Communication

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1 Intercultural Communication
Executive Master Intercultural Communication Lugano 2006 Modul Fleiner Class 2: Shared Rule – Self Rule

2 Basic Elements of Federalism
Constitution Shared Rule Self Rule

3 Shared Rule Principle

4 Main Issues: Legitimacy: Democracy Representation Equality Federalism Effectiveness Capacity to do the job Federalism and Government by Consent

5 Governmental Systems Parliamentary and Multicultural Society Presidential and Multicultural Society Directorial and Multicultural Society

6 Forms of Federal Executives
and Legislatures in Selected Federations (Watts)

7 Federation Executive Legislature Head of Government Head Fe- deration Bicameral unic. Leg. Austr. Cabinet Prime Mini. Monarch Bicamer. Austria Chancellor El. Presid. Belgi. Canada Prime. Mini. Germa. Pres. El. Assembly Malays. Prime.Min. Sel. Her. rulers Spain CH Fixed term Exec.Dire. Rot. Pres. US Sep. Pres. Congress President Pres. Elected

8 Variations in Selection, Composition and Powers of
Second Chambers S. Watts

9 Selection Composition Powers Role App. By Fed. Gov. CA Mal. 63% Seats Equal Regio. Repr. CA Absol Veto Mediation US, CH Legislature CH; US, AT AU MY App. By F.Gv. Nom. Provinc. Equ. St. Re. AU, US,CH Abs. Veto f. some Leg. Legis.; int. Gvt Rel ZA App. State Gov. GE 2 Cat. Of St. Repres. CH Susp. Veto time ES MY Interpret. Const. Ethi. Ind. El. State legis. AT IN MY Weighed. St. Repr. AU. IN. Susp.Veto GE Dir.El. Simpl. Plur. CH, US Weighed St. Repr. IN, AT Deadlock: joint Sitting Dir. El. Prop. AU Ad.repr.for other IN,MY Deadlock: Diss. Joint Sit. Choice left to Cantons CH Min. reg. repr. ES,BE Money Bill Sus Veto IN,My Mixed. BE.ES, MY Repr. Nation Ehtiop. Judic. Funct. Ethiop.

10 Autonomy and Distribution of Powers
Self-Rule Principle Autonomy and Distribution of Powers

11 Problems: Solidarity e.g. Belgium Human Rights – Right to be equal Globalisation – Intergovernmental Relationship Wealfare State, New Deal USA Federal Spending power Common Law Continental Law Foreign investment Competition Devolution without shared Rule GB

12 Main Questions: Purpose of Distribution Who decides? Criteria‘s What is distributed Concept and Technique of Distribution Distribution to - Whom? - What entities? - Border- lines? Asymmetric Distribution

13 Who decides Constitution maker Federal Legislature Both Court (US, EU) Common Law: Family Law, Property Law, Contract, Criminal Law, Procedure, commercial law etc.

14 Purpose of Distribution
and Criteria’s Purpose Criteria’s Principles Legitimacy Efficiency Subsidiary Principle Diversity Financial Capacity Democracy Need for Coordination Commerce Clause Justice Necessary and Proper Clause Need for a uniform solution Equality Interest of the task limited to the region Closeness to local population

15 What is distributed Branches of Government Financial Competences Governmental Tasks Constitution Making Income: Taxes, Grants, Bonds, Loans Foreign Policy Incl. Defence Legislation Individual / col- lective rights Execution Mineral Resource, Water etc. Public Services Judiciary Police Education, Cul- ture Common Law, Codi- fication Expenditures Health, Environment Spending Power Economy and Development Opting out local deviation Financial Equalisation Civil Law Common Law

16 Techniques of Distribution Concept Technique Bottom up Exclusive Parallel Top Down Concurrent Parallel Distribution General Clauses Supremacy Detailed Regulations


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