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Presentation on theme: "EUGLENA, AMOEBA, PARAMECIUM, VOLVOX"— Presentation transcript:

6 Protists: EUGLENA, AMOEBA, 

2 Every living thing is an organism!
All living organisms: Are made of cells 2. Gets energy from food and can store it 3. Can Grow 4. Can respond to environment 5. Adapt to environment 6. Can Reproduce

3 What is a Protist? Less complex organism with many different characteristics. Protists are considered living organisms

4 EUGLENA Lives in: Fresh water Energy:
Producer/Autotroph (makes 
their own food) Heterotroph (gets food by eating other things) Some contain 

5 More Info on Euglenas Eyespot helps them sense light.
Waste- Contractile Vacuole holds excess water and removes it 
from the cell. Movement- Flagella

6 More on Euglenas Reproduction- Asexual (binary fission)
Shape changes easily so it can move around

7 Draw and label this Euglena:

8 AMOEBA Found in freshwater and salt water around dead and decaying material. Energy- 
It’s a parasite which means it gets energy by invading 
other organisms

9 Amoebas Waste- Contractile Vacuole holds waste
Movement- cytoplasmic streaming and
pseudopodia (false feet) Reproduction- Asexual (binary fission)

10 Draw and Label this Amoeba:

11 PARAMECIUM Found in freshwater. Most complex single cell organism.
Cilia sweeps food 
into food passageway.

12 Paramecium Waste- Anal Pore (food waste is removed) and Contractile Vacuole (water waste) Movement- Cilia 
(tiny hairs that move 
back and forth.)

13 Paramecium Reproduction- Sexual (two Parents)
Has two nuclei (Macronucleus and Micronucleus)

14 Draw and Label this Paramecium:
Macro Macronucleus

15 VOLVOX Found in ponds ditches and puddles.
Forms colonies of tiny 
flagellate cells. (more 
than 50,000 cells) Called green algae.

16 Volvox Energy- photosynthesis and flagella help bring in nutrients.
Eyespots: helps gather energy by 
sensing light.

17 Volvox Movement- flagella Reproduction- 
asexual and sexual

18 Draw and Label this Volvox:

19 Flagella: long, whip like tail that helps an organism move
Protist Organelles Cytoplasm: gel like substance inside of the cells that holds organelles Cytoplasmic Streaming: the flow of cytoplasm inside of cell that helps the organism move Contractile Vacuole: structure that opens and closes to release water/waste Flagella: long, whip like tail that helps an organism move Cilia: short hairs that move back and forth for movement Pseudopods: false feet used for movement in amoebas Nucleus: brain of the cell, controls all cellular action Chloroplasts: where photosynthesis occurs, turns sunlight into energy Oral Groove: opening in a paramecium where nutrients enter Eye Spot: in Euglena’s, helps it detect light


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