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TV or Not TV? Ivy Language Academy University level – Class 2.

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Presentation on theme: "TV or Not TV? Ivy Language Academy University level – Class 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 TV or Not TV? Ivy Language Academy University level – Class 2

2 TV Programs ExplanationExampleTranslation A show on TV ( ) that comes on at a regular time Of course I had a TV, so I continued watching my favorite programs.

3 Television Set ExplanationExampleTranslation Another way of saying TV ( I think we had five or six television sets at home

4 Dormitory ExplanationExampleTranslation A building where many students live in rooms; a room where students live When I went to university, I lived in a dormitory my first year.

5 Social ExplanationExampleTranslation Able to talk to other people and find friends Maybe a childhood of television made me less social.

6 Stress ExplanationExampleTranslation worry; upset about too much to do I felt stressed in my new environment.

7 Guess what? ExplanationExampleTranslation Something said to show you will tell something surprising Guess what? I got a new car!

8 Plus ExplanationExampleTranslation And; in addition; furthermore Plus, I didnt have a lot of friends.

9 Childhood ExplanationExampleTranslation The first part of life that happens before you become an adult Maybe a childhood of television made me less social.

10 All the time ExplanationExampleTranslation very frequently/ commonly We talked all the time. We breathe all the time.

11 Make/made up my/his mind ExplanationExampleTranslation Made a decision/choice I made up my mind to do better.

12 It popped into my/her head ExplanationExampleTranslation An idea that you quickly and surprisingly thought of But then an idea popped into my head.

13 Crystal clear ExplanationExampleTranslation Easy to understand; very easy to see through; not dirty or difficult to understand Suddenly, it became crystal clear.

14 Had to ExplanationExampleTranslation need toI had to stop watching TV Its a pity they had to stop work on the new mall

15 XXX-free ExplanationExampleTranslation XX-free shows that XX is no longer happening or used I dont know if I'll continue to lead a TV-free life.

16 Vow ExplanationExampleTranslation promise; a serious commitment I have vowed that television will never again be a major part of my life.

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